Site Visit #7 – Mud Season = Flood Season


It’s been a while and Im happy to see you weather this winter. Over the past couple weeks the rivers of Vermont have been inundated with water as the snow from the mountains continues to melt and the rain starts to pour. My site is a an sIlver Maple – ostrich fern floodplain but is actually a large collection of Boxelders and no silver maples but there are ostrich ferns! I fortunately visited just after the flood had receded but the area was quite muddy. The path there was also quite flooded and almost created an access issue.

Though the calendar has said its spring for a while now we all know it is only just beginning. There were unfortunately no wild flowers poking through the ground there were fiddle heads and bud on the trees. All of the trees were budding, even the boxelder whose trunk snapped this past fall and has buds emerging. I was also happy to see that the beech sapling has made it through another winter and is on its way to becoming big and strong. In other news I also found some raccoon track on my journey back.

Raccoon tracks in the mud
Boxelder bud sketch
Fiddleheads popping up!

Thank you for visitng this week! Next week we will look at the final phenological changes of the season.