Site Visit #5 – WELCOME BACK (semester 2)

Welcome back to my spot!

It is a new year and I am excited to continue documenting the changing of the seasons and discovering more about the ecology of my location.

First order of business is describing the changes that have occurred. Over the past month and a half the site has turned into a silent sanctuary. A thick blanket of untouched snow covers the entire landscape. The ground is completely frozen and all decomposition of the fallen trees and mushrooms has slowed. The river has frozen over and the industrial output down stream has stopped further contributing to the silence of the place. Most excitingly I have found some tracks!!! The tracks seemed to originate from across the river and continue across the ice to under a large piece of ice on the shore. Unfortunately, I could not get very close to the tracks but I was able to take some photos. From the pictures is looks like a galloper. Originally, I hoped it was a rabbit but after looking at the prints under the ice where the snow is thinner it looks as though there are toes and maybe some claws, which would indicate it could be a squirrel.


Since the trees have lost all their leaves and buds have begun to grow, I have been working on my tree identification. I have only discovered two deciduous trees at my site but I could work on expanding the list to include those on my walk to the site.

Boxelder Bud:

Sugar Maple Bud:

See you next time!