Harvey, E., D. Fletcher, and M. Shortis. 2001. A comparison of the precision and accuracy of estimates of reef-fish lengths determined visually by divers with estimates produced by a stereo-video system. Fishery Bulletin 99:63-71.
Tag: published articles
Vernal pool assessment
(egg mass counts, tadpole identification)
Oscarson, D.B., and A.J.K. Calhoun. 2007. Developing vernal pool conservation plans at the local level using citizen-scientists. Wetlands 27(1):80-95.
Crab identification
Delaney, D.G., C.D. Sperling, C. Adams, and B. Leung. 2008. Marine invasive species: Validation of citizen science and implications for national monitoring networks. Biological Invasions 10:117-128.
Lake water quality parameters
(Secchi reading, chlorophyll filtration, freezing of water samples, etc.)
Canfield, D.E., Jr., C.D. Brown, R.W. Bachmann, and M.V. Hoyer. 2002. Volunteer lake monitoring: Testing the reliability of data collected by the Florida LAKEWATCH program. Lake and Reservoir Management 18(1):1-9.
Obrecht, D.V., M. Milanik, B.D. Perkins, D. Ready, and J.R. Jones. 1998. Evaluation of data generated from lake samples collected by volunteers. Journal of Lake and Reservoir Management 14(1):21-27. www.lmvp.org/documents/HTML/Obrecht1998.htm
(various modifications)
Engel, S., and J. Reese Voshell. 2002. Volunteer biological monitoring: Can it accurately assess the ecological condition of streams?” American Entomologist 48(3):164-177.
Fore, L.S., K. Paulsen, and K. O’Laughlin. 2001. Assessing the performance of volunteers in monitoring streams. Freshwater Biology 46:109-123.
Frost Nerbonne, J., and B. Vondracek. 2003. Volunteer macroinvertebrate monitoring: Assessing training needs through examining error and bias in untrained volunteers. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 22(1):152-163.
Gowan, C., M. Ruby, R. Knisley, and L. Grimmer. 2007. Stream monitoring methods suitable for citizen volunteers working in the Coastal Plain and Lower Piedmont regions of Virginia. American Entomologist 53(1):48-57.
Penrose, D., and S. M. Call. 1995. Volunteer monitoring of benthic macroinvertebrates: Regulatory biologists’ perspectives. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 14(1):203-209.
Transparency Tubes
Anderson, P., and R.D. Davic. 2004. Use of transparency tubes for rapid assessment of total suspended solids and turbidity in streams. Lake and Reservoir Management 20(2):110-120.