Havel, J.E. and K.R. Pattinson. 2004. Spatial distribution and seasonal dynamics of plankton in a terminal multiple-series reservoir. Lake and Reservoir Management 20(1):14-26. [Introductory discussion references Lakes of Missouri Volunteer Program data summary report; not clear what volunteer data were used.]
Heiskary, Steven A. and William W. Walker Jr. 1995. Establishing a chlorophyll a goal for a run-of-the-river reservoir. Lake and Reservoir Management 11(1):67-76.
Heiskary, Steven A. and William W. Walker Jr. 1988. Developing phosphorus criteria for Minnesota lakes. Lake and Reservoir Management 4(1):1-9.
Kesler, David H., Teresa J. Newton, and Linda Green. 2006. Long-term monitoring of growth in the Eastern Elliptio, Elliptio complanata (Bivalvia: Unionidae), in Rhode Island: A transplant experiment. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 26(1):123-133. [Uses data from University of Rhode Island Watershed Watch but this is not clearly stated in article.]
Mcnicol, D.K., M.L. Mallory, and H.S. Vogel. 1995. Using volunteers to monitor the effects of acid precipitation on Common Loon (Gavnia immer) reproduction in Canada: The Canadian Lakes Loon Survey. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 85(2): 463-468. [Basically a bird monitoring study, but with a water angle.]
Obrecht, Daniel, Anthony P. Thorpe, and John R. Jones. 2005. Responses in the James River Arm of Table Rock Lake, Missouri (USA) to point-source phosphorus reduction. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 29:1043-1048. [Role of volunteers limited to collection of water samples.]
Shertzer, R.H., D.W. Hall, S.A. Steffy, and R.A. Kime. 1998. Relationships between land uses and rain water quality in a southeastern Pennsylvania watershed. Journal of the American Water Resources Association34(1):13-26. [Role of volunteers limited to collection of water samples.]
Smeltzer, E. 1990. A successful alum/aluminate treatment of Lake Morey, Vermont. Lake and Reservoir Management 6:9-19. http://www.anr.state.vt.us/dec/waterq/lakes/docs/lp_morey-alum-jlrm1990.pdf . [Used phosphorus and chlorophyll data from Vermont Lake Lay Monitoring Program but this is not clearly stated in article.]
Smeltzer, E. 1999. Phosphorus management in Lake Champlain. In Manley, T.O. and P.L. Manley, eds. Lake Champlain in transition: From research toward restoration. American Geophysical Union. Water Science and Application 1. Washington, D.C. http://www.anr.state.vt.us/dec/waterq/lakes/docs/lp_phosmanage99.pdf. [Book chapter as opposed to peer-reviewed research article. Volunteers collected samples for total phosphorus but this is not clearly stated.]
Stadelmann, T.H., P.L. Brezonik and S. Kloiber. 2001. Seasonal patterns of chlorophyll a and Secchi disk transparency in lakes of east-central Minnesota: Implications for design of ground- and satellite-based monitoring programs. Lake and Reservoir Management 17(4):299-314. [Article mentions collection of chlorophyll and Secchi data by a “citizen-assisted monitoring program.”]
Wilderman, C. and C. Reusse. 1990. Analysis of patterns and causes of variation in alkalinity concentrations in Pennsylvania streams during 1989, using data collected by of the Alliance for Acid Rain Monitoring (ALLARM).Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 64 (April):210. [Abstract of conference presentation.]
Wilderman, C., K. Vorhees, and L. Imgrund. 1999. The spatial distribution of stream vulnerability to acid deposition in Pennsylvania and its relationship to local watershed characteristics, based on a decade of volunteer monitoring by the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM). In The effects of acid deposition on aquatic ecosystems in Pennsylvania, ed. William E. Sharpe and Joy R. Drohan. University Park, PA: Environmental Resources Research Institute. [Book chapter as opposed to peer-reviewed research article.]