Got Downy Mildew?

As you know from previous What’s Hoppening posts, the first signs that a plant is infected with downy mildew will be basal spikes. But these are not the only symptoms of downy mildew. As the season progresses, aerial spikes and infected leaves will begin to appear. Like basal spikes, aerial spikes are indicative of systemic …

Hop Cone Disease Symptoms

Why are my hop cones black? Harvest is approaching quickly and for some may be well underway! This season’s wet conditions have resulted in high disease pressure on the hop plants. These diseases are now starting to show up on the cones of the plant. At this time, we have identified primary fungi downy mildew …

Time to Manage Downy Mildew

Question: Have we mentioned yet how critical downy mildew management is to the success of our Northeast hopyards? Answer: Yes, but the importance of managing this disease cannot be overstated–downy mildew can wipe out your crop for the year and even cause hill death in sensitive varieties, so please be on the lookout. Our bulletin, …

Spring Crowning

The hop season is upon us! Hop downy mildew is currently the biggest pest of concern for Northeastern hop growers.  Downy mildew overwinters in the hop crown and primary inoculum will be released from the first shoots. Removal of the first flush of spring hop growth is called “scratching” or “crowning” depending on how far down a plant …

Time to Order Hop Rhizomes

It’s time to order Hop Rhizomes…if you haven’t already done so! Some nurseries have already sold out; others have order deadlines that are fast approaching. Below is a list of sources for hop rhizomes. If you are a rhizome producer and we missed you in our list – let us know!  Wholesale: Aroostook Hops, Westfield, …

Downy Mildew Management

We have been receiving inquiries as to Downy Mildew diagnosis and management techniques. Our Downy Mildew fact sheet (Link is below) has quite a bit of information that can be helpful. As always, please contact us if you have specific questions, or if we can elaborate on anything found within the fact sheet. Keep …

Plant/Insect Diagnostic Clinic Information

We have been receiving inquiries from folks who are wondering about diseases and insects in their hopyards. The UVM Extension website has some wonderful information that can allow you to identify and try to manage these issues on your own. However, if you are looking for reassurance, and/or suggestions to try and minimize damages, the …

Pest Scouting In Your Hopyard

Hello Hop Enthusiasts, Our resident entomologist Scott Lewins will be conducting farm visits throughout the summer to scout hopyards for pests. If interested, please contact him at He is planning on visiting each farm at least once, but if you get your requests in early, he may be able to assist more frequently. Keep …

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