Time to Order Hop Rhizomes

It’s time to order Hop Rhizomes…if you haven’t already done so! Some nurseries have already sold out; others have order deadlines that are fast approaching. Below is a list of sources for hop rhizomes. If you are a rhizome producer and we missed you in our list – let us know!


Additional Sources (especially for Home Growers):

In addition, several sources are also starting to sell live potted plants. For example, Cornell Cooperative Extension has teamed up with the local greenhouse to offer potted hop plants:  http://www.northeasthopalliance.org/item/873582. Another NY greenhouse is also offering plants: http://www.northeasthopalliance.org/item/873619.

And remember, the best first defense to keeping diseases out of your hopyard is to use planting material certified free of HSVd and other viruses!

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