Crescent Beach: Final Reflections

As warmer weather approaches, Crescent Beach has continued to undergo many significant changes. The last of the snow melting from the peaks of nearby mountains, complimented by recent heavy rains, has left a lot of the beach submerged in water. In these parts of the beach, there is little activity, however I suspect that as […]

Greg Martin – Phenology Update

When I returned to the woods of Ringwood, New Jersey for spring break, I traveled to Brushwood Pond, where the last layer of ice rested on the surface of the water. The weather was warmer compared to Burlington, and the first buds had started to sprout on the red oaks and sugar maples surrounding the […]

Phenology Blog: Crescent Beach

Since my phenology location consists of both vegetated land and a large body of water, I would argue that there are certainly many communities within my small plot of land. While it is difficult to identify since it is barren in the dead of winter, the area surrounding the sands, when warm, is overgrown, filled […]

Phenology – Crescent Beach

After visiting my phenology spot for the first time this semester, much has changed. Once a lively area, overgrown with trees, grass, bushes, and other vegetation, it has now become barren and bare. The red oaks and sugar maples that once provided shade relief from the brutal summer sun are now dead and snow-covered. Unfortunately, […]

Greg Martin: Phenology of the Wanaque Reservoir

As I always do when I return home, I visited my favorite spot in my hometown, which is the edge of the Wanaque Reservoir in Ringwood, New Jersey. It is a short 15 minute hike from behind my house, making it very accessible and a place where I find peace and comfort. First dug out […]

10/22 Phenology Spot Update

Crescent Beach has changed significantly since I last visited. As with all other deciduous trees in Vermont, the leaves have changed, now showing colors of yellow and red. Many leaves have fallen off already. Since we have had a lot of rain recently, the shoreline has returned to its normal area after being receded for […]

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NR001 Phenology Spot – Crescent Beach

The spot for my phenology project in NR001 will be Crescent Beach, on the north end of Burlington in Leddy Park. To get there from campus, you simply go down to the waterfront, and take the bike path north along the coast of Lake Champlain. While it may be somewhat isolated and private, I chose […]