April ROM, Bikeshare, and Citizenship Classes

New American Safety Festival poster

Spring is here.  Sort of — brrrrrr!  But at least you can tell it’s spring because everybody is itching to get outdoors!

Maybe you could go for a bikeride by signing-up for the new Greenride Bikeshare that has set up unmistakable, bright green bike racks on campus and around Burlington.  Or maybe you should first drop-in to the annual New American Safety Festival on Saturday, May 12th to get your kid a free bike helmet.  Or maybe you just want to sit back to enjoy a discounted performance at the Flynn Theater.

There’s lots of goings-on in Burlington this spring — even if warmth isn’t one of them!

April 2018 ROM UVM CS

Youth Job Fair Flyer 2018

Citizenship classes flyer

Bikeshare Flyer

PCAFlyer – April 2, 2018-pdf

Restoring Family Links Brochure Red Cross