Savvy Seniors: Job Countdown!

Cindy Conquest, ‘10 Bachelor of Arts in Biology (Neurobiology), Bachelor of Arts Spanish Recruiter/ Managing Director with Readak Educational Services Working in HR, you must see a lot of resumes every day. What helps a candidate stand out? Sometimes with resumes, less is more. I see resumes that resemble a wordy mockup of an autobiography. …

Savvy Seniors: Job Countdown!

Cindy Conquest, ‘10 Bachelor of Arts in Biology (Neurobiology), Bachelor of Arts Spanish Recruiter/ Managing Director with Readak Educational Services Working in HR, you must see a lot of resumes every day. What helps a candidate stand out? Sometimes with resumes, less is more. I see resumes that resemble a wordy mockup of an autobiography. …

What Employers Look for on a Resume

How long do employers look at your resume? 1 minute? 30 seconds? The answer is an average of 6 seconds. In order to maximize your potential in the allotted time, it is recommended that you personalize it to the reader. Employers read numerous resumes and if the information is not clearly connected to the job, …

Savvy Seniors: Polish your Resume and Professional Presentation

Mile 21 Many marathoners will agree that mile 21 is a tough one. You’ve come so far, yet you still have a ways to go. You are almost finished with your college career, almost but not quite. Where do you find the energy to push through until the end? To sit down and polish your …

Blogging Yourself into a Job

Marshall McLuhan famously wrote that “the medium is the message.” When you list your blog on your resume, the message you send to a potential employer is that you understand the importance of modern media and its role in society. As a medium, a blog is very much an extension of yourself; it allows you …

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