Employers on Handshake

Did you know that employers use Handshake to find potential employees and interns? Maggie Massey, the UVM Peace Corps recruiter, likes how easy it is to review public student profiles.  She recommends that, when you activate your profile, “provide details about your experiences. The more you can tell about a student, including volunteer experience and interests, the better.  Companies want employees that fit their organizational culture, let your Handshake profile reflect who you are!”

Research, Science and a Summer in Germany

This summer, mechanical engineering sophomore Duncan Hacker, of Sudbury, MA, will venture to Pirmasens, Germany. As a participant of DAAD-RISE (an exchange program), he will conduct research on surface coating for ski jumping skis.  DAAD-RISE hosts science and engineering undergraduate interns at top universities in Germany to work with research groups and gain practical experience. …

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