Researching Employers

When we need a job, it can be tempting to accept an offer without knowing what we might really be getting into. Alluring job posts (sometimes arriving through social media and random emails) often look really attractive, promise a big financial return, or sound too good to be true. Sometimes, there are reasons to be …

Senior Series: 3 Tips to a Top Cover Letter

Admit it.  You find a job posting that piques your interest, you get ready to submit your resume, and then you see it.  “Cover Letter Required.”  The excuses start forming in your head.  “I don’t have time to write a cover letter.  I don’t know what to say.  They probably won’t even read it.  Maybe …

4 Reasons Why You Should Attend Career Center Workshops

By attending a workshop, you’ll have the opportunity to receive information from a trained Career Peer Mentor who will pay close attention to your needs and help you find the answers to your career related questions. Do you know what a tagline is for a LinkedIn profile and why it’s important? Should you use an …

Setting Intentions Toward Your Success

So much is new right now. New year. New semester. New course load. New schedule. New calendar and email system. Change can be challenging, but there is so much that is exciting to embrace in the newness. Seeking the new in each day can free you to continue to move in the directions you desire …

Senior Series: Networking, A Great Foundation for the Interview

One important part of networking is how you present yourself to others. It’s important to be able to talk about yourself, your experiences and skills, and your interests and goals. Networking gives you the opportunity to practice your self-presentation and hone your story, and will give you the skills to interview with confidence. Worried? Don’t …

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