Senior Series 2024 | Salary Negotiation: The Worth of Your Work

You did it! You wowed your interviewers with your cover letter, work history, and interview. They want you to join their team. It’s exciting to be paid for your work, but is the pay worth it? Too many people don’t get paid what they’re worth for one simple reason – they don’t ask!  Salary negotiations …

Senior Series 2024 | Find Your People

Hey Seniors, the countdown to graduation has started, and the reality of post-graduation life is becoming more real every day.  To help you get ready for this transition, the Career Center will be in your inbox every week for the next seven weeks with useful tips & tricks to ensure your plans for life after …

Employers on Handshake

Did you know that employers use Handshake to find potential employees and interns? Maggie Massey, the UVM Peace Corps recruiter, likes how easy it is to review public student profiles.  She recommends that, when you activate your profile, “provide details about your experiences. The more you can tell about a student, including volunteer experience and interests, the better.  Companies want employees that fit their organizational culture, let your Handshake profile reflect who you are!”

Let’s Talk About Self-Care

We’ve finally made it to May, the last leg of the marathon, and it’s time for a serious chat about self-care. Transitions are difficult, and May is full of them; from graduating (yay!), or starting an internship, May is the month of transition on college campuses. To be successful during and after you transition, I …

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