Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out

Some people slave over their LinkedIn profiles while for others it’s more of an afterthought. Wherever you fall in the spectrum, there’s no denying the role LinkedIn plays in today’s job market.

Potential employers will look you up and you want to make a good impression.

LN Meme

Now is the time to update your profile so that it works to your advantage.

Not sure how to make your profile standout? Use this guide.

Then join the UVM LinkedIn groups to begin networking with fellow alumni.

University of Vermont – This is the public page for the University.

University of Vermont Career Connection – A private group that supports members of the UVM community around issues of career and professional development.

UVM Alumni Association – With more than 12,000 members this group connects UVM alumni and breaks out into geographical subgroups for those looking to network locally.

Tips for styling your new apartment on a budget

For better or worse, your first apartment is a rite of passage.

Whether you just moved into a new apartment, are currently looking for one or are back at your parents’ house, chances are you’re resting your head in a new place this June.

And now that you have your first post-grad home we’re here with a few tips to class it up.

ron burgundy

You’d be surprised what you can do with a little bit of imagination, some spray paint and a few hand-me-downs (Grandma’s old couch, that dresser you found on the street).

Just because you’re broke doesn’t mean your space has to look like this:

empty apartment

As much as we love free stuff, don’t pick up a mattress from the curb – invest in your bed. Trust us. New job? Starting a grad program? Never-ending job search? You’re going to need a good night’s sleep.

Ryan & Derrick