Homework details

Just a clarification of what I was groping toward on Monday evening:

Your homework assignments can come to me as electronic Word documents, sent to my email address:


Each homework assignment should be 500-1000 words long. No need to write formally, but please make sure that your prose is coherent and has a point that is readily discernible.

Please make sure the homework is send to me as .doc files, not as .docx files

Please make sure you send your homework in before the class in which it is due (it can be 5 minutes before, or even at the break, but I will need it to show up in my inbox before 7:30 PM on the day it’s due).

Please put “Bible homework” in the subject line of your homework emails.

It is fine to hand homework in as a hard copy if you would prefer.

Also, a note that I would like the midterm take-home essay as a hard copy, brought with you to class on the day of the in-class portion of the midterm.

Homework questions for every class can be found under the “discussions” heading on the blog.

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