Category Archives: General info

Information Overload

Information overload. They call it “drinking from the fire hose”. That’s the perfect analogy for my life right now, and maybe yours as well. So much information coming through so quickly I waffle between the anxiety that I’ll miss something … Continue reading

Posted in General info, Quality of life | Tagged | 2 Comments

Are there bad foods?

There is an assembly at my 7-year old daughter’s school once a week and parents are invited to attend.   Typically one class does a presentation.  My daughter’s class was “on” a couple of weeks ago because they just completed … Continue reading

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On Tradition and Thankfulness…

Thanksgiving is the perfect holiday to express appreciation for all of the things that are too easy to take for granted the rest of the year. Many families have a tradition of sharing one thing they are thankful for and … Continue reading

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