Isolating Sounds Associated with Physical Actions

Our audio field is constantly being stimulated around us, what we choose to listen to is for us to decide.  This project brought me to the idea of isolating the sounds and enjoying the auditory experience without experiencing actions associated along side. For this project, I focused on sounds in my everyday audio field that are identified with a personal action. These sounds tend to go unnoticed and become obsolete when linking the action to routine physical responses. The first few sounds (alarm clock song, fan, flushing of a toilet, and closing door) all signify the start to my morning. Each sound, whether that be the hum of the first few notes to my alarm or the rush of water into the drain from the flush of a toilet, all signify aspects of my morning associated with an action. The actions include waking up all the way to leaving for class in the morning. Interestingly enough, whenever I hear my alarm clock song at any point of the day, my body almost routinely tells itself to wake up even when already awake showing the physical effect that a single sound has on my body. This physical auditory connection can relate back to Murray Schafer’s article “Open Ears” in the section “The Ear in the Imagination” whens stating that, “Most of the sounds busy people listen to are the signals of activity.” (38) I find it interesting how linking sounds with specific actions become skewed if one appears without the other. Thus the reason to focus this project on sounds associated with an action, is to isolate the audio field and make us listen to the sounds alone that are commonly paired with an action.

The next sounds in the line up (a backpack zipper unzipping, the buzzer at Simpson Dining, the silverware disposal, a friends laugh, the unlocking of my buildings door, and finally the typing of keys) all relate to actions that typically happen at night, whether that be the buzzer at dinner signifying the action to eat or the typing of keys on a keyboard representing the action of homework. The particular sounds that stand out to me that are affiliated with an action in this line up happen to be the sounds of the silverware disposal and the laugh of a friend. Both of these sounds are often overlooked. We recognize the sound of silverware, and react (both verbally and physically) to laughter. But often, I find myself not appreciating these sounds by themselves for what they truly sound like. The reason why the silverware disposal stood out to me is because every night, silverware is a part of my dinner. Each night, I, along with every other student, use the utensils provided by the dining hall. A simple, routine, task. Silverware has become so common in our life the sound of the metal becomes so overlooked. I wanted to use this project to let my audience hear the raw sounds that typically are disregarded. This reminded me of a quote in Lawrence English’s article on The Introduction to Field Recordings. The article stated that, “Ultimately what we hear is not always what we listen to.” This quote stood out for me because I feel it relates to the connection of physical actions and auditory experiences. English states that “what we hear is not always what we listen to” and that could be do to the fact that we are not listening to certain sounds because of the overpowering nature of a physical action that associates with it.

These ten sounds represent my everyday life, but none of them stand alone. Each carries a physical action associated with it, so I tried to isolate the sound to fully appreciate my unheard auditory field. This project help me isolate the sounds that I typically don’t hear and moving forward, I’m really going to try to appreciate each sound individually, giving it the attention that it deserves alone. I encourage you to do the same.

English, Lawrence. “The Sounds Around Us: An Introduction to Field Recording.” The Conversation 8. Feb. 2015. Web.

Schafer, Murray. “Open Ears.” Journal of Acoustic Ecology (2003): 38. Print.

Movement. Like Lust. Movement. (2014)

4 thoughts on “Isolating Sounds Associated with Physical Actions

  1. Emily Downing

    Noah I loved this! Starting the podcast off with a song was a great choice. It also sounded like a really pretty song! One of my favorite parts of this, was in your essay when you wrote about appreciating sounds. You mentioned that common sounds in our life, like putting away silverware, become over-looked. I never thought about it that way, but you have a great point. You also did a really nice job weaving in the quote from English’s article. It flowed flawlessly! Your final paragraph tied everything you had previously mentioned in your essay very well, and this was just so great to read and to listen to! Awesome job.

  2. lchaplin


    Throughout your essay and in your podcast, I really thought it was organized well and there is a clear theme to your piece. One of the points you made about the alarm clock, fan, flushing of the toilet, and closing of the door, all signify a routine. When I think about a routine, I think about the physical actions of movement, rather than the sound. I think that is one of the best parts about this project is that we are forced to think about sound in a different perspective. Without these sounds, we wouldn’t have our routines and that makes them a little more special. For an example, the laughter in your podcast was one of the most prominent sounds in the piece. It is something that we do not appreciate as much as we should. However, when it’s isolated like it is, it makes us stop and think about how precious that moment can be, which ultimately causes us to smile. All the sounds are easily relatable for one another, but it’s how we individually interpret them that makes it interesting.

  3. Eryka Collins

    I really enjoyed this podcast and I think that this theme is so cool and unique! I’ve never really thought about motions as sounds before. Listening to it though, I could almost picture all of the sounds, especially the sound of the card swiping to get into your building. Thats a sound that I hear multiple times a day yet have never thought much of. I also liked how you isolated the noises so that it sounds more of how you’d hear it in real life. Its like what was discussed in “The Sounds Around Us” about how microphones don’t tune out certain sounds that ears do. I find it interesting that you stated that the reason we don’t listen to all the sounds that we hear is because of the over powering nature the a physical action that is associated with it. I never thought of the reason that we don’t listen to everything we hear is because we can’t due to us doing other things. Maybe its not possible to do everything that we do and listen to everything at the same time.

  4. tneubaue

    Your theme is my favorite so far. I think this is absolutely incredible that you compared certain sounds in your life to motion, and isolated those sounds from the motion associated. At the point that you submitted this essay we hadn’t read Capoiera, so it is a shame you couldn’t use that piece in your writing. I think the laugh audio clip was the best. This is interesting to listen to in the context of motion. When I heard this, I thought a lot about the motions and visual aspects associated with laughing. Laughing is so personal and emotionally-driven that it is almost de-sensitizing to listen to a laugh on its own without the physical aspect. As a whole I felt like your theme was the most unique, and definitely had me thinking about sound in a whole new way. It is not just about the sounds themselves, but the cultural and physical contexts. So awesome.

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