My Grain

I Of The Storm – Of Monsters and Men – Beneath The Skin

To me, the grain is all about being able to feel the passion of the artist(s) and having there be substance in a song. I feel that finding ‘the grain’ in music is very important and is a wonderful experience. Although everyone has different opinions about what the grain is to them, this song is just one of the many examples of songs that I feel have the grain.
Of Monsters And Men is one of my very favorite bands and have been listening to them since they released their first album a few years ago. This song, ‘I Of The Storm’ is off of their second and latest album and is definitely one of my favorites. Although the majority of their songs, to me, feature the grain, this one definitely stands out to me a lot. This song starts off calm but then dips into a dramatic feel in the chorus that builds you up and then slowly brings you back down. When listening to this song, I feel the highs and lows from the singers voices and the instruments playing. If you like this song, I would also highly recommend listening to these other songs by them: From Finner, Yellow Light, Lakehouse, Crystals, Empire and We Sink. I also recommend listening to this song as loud as you can to get the full effect (: