Universal Design for Learning at the University of Vermont

March 15, 2010
by Universal Design for-Learning

An Educational Journey for Students with Disabilities

Often students with disabilities have a difficult time adjusting to college life. The main adjustment problem arises from the differences between the high school and college experience for students with disabilities. High school students with disabilities are actively supported by their school, their teachers, and the administration. Once a student with a disability enrolls in college, they find that they now have to advocate for themselves. There is often minimal support for students in the college experience. In an effort to explain the difference between high school and college, Academic Support Programs (ASP) at UVM developed the following chart. This one page analysis of what a student experiences in high school as opposed to college easily defines the differences.
Download a Disability Service Comparison of K-12 and University Word Document

March 10, 2010
by Universal Design for-Learning

Video – Building Healthy Communities through Universal Design

Building Healthy Communities through Universal Design
The broadcast discusses the principles of Universal Design and its application in building healthy communities. Speakers discuss the evolution of this design philosophy and describe its influence on social and physical environments, architecture, communication, and product design as they relate to health and well-being. Speakers highlight global examples of communities and projects that have utilized Universal Design to support healthy lifestyles and more inclusive and welcoming places.
The group being interviewed is from the Institute for Human Centered Design in MA. They are being interviewed for a NY Public Health segment. The video includes an introduction by the NY Commissioner for the Department of Health.
The video lasts just under an hour and raises many interesting issues – the Institute initially began with building design and are expanding into other areas including education.

March 1, 2010
by Universal Design for-Learning

Universal Connections for UDL @ UVM

I am struck repeatedly by how the Universal Design for Learning principles at the core of our project reach so far and so widely into the fabric of the university. We knew at the beginning that we would be deeply involved with faculty and their courses and with students with disabilities. But we have quickly learned that we are connected with other constituencies and furthering the mission of the university in many more ways. Among the connections are:
• the challenge to retain more of all students who are admitted, not just students with disabilities;
• the obligations of teacher education programs to incorporate UDL into the preparation of pre-service teachers, so graduates are prepared to use them in their own teaching from pre-school through high school;
• the goal to increase the number and success of first-generation college students;
• improving the university’s ability to serve the needs of the growing number of immigrant and refugee families and students in Vermont;
• the effort to increase the number of international students at the university, the traditional one or two semester visitors, but especially those who will be completing degrees at UVM;
• the desire of staff and student services generally to be more welcoming of the increasingly diverse students, staff, and faculty in our community, and more successful in meeting their needs on campus;
• the obligation of the university to provide accessible facilities and services to all, in every area;
• the connection between Universal Design for Learning and effective marketing and communications within the university and from the university to prospective students, staff, and faculty, and to alumni;
• the desire of department chairs and deans to promote effective faculty development;
• the deep-seated desire of most faculty to be excellent teachers.
I suppose we could say the usefulness of learning UDL is universal in the university. It really is better to Design for Universal Learning.
Larry Shelton

February 2, 2010
by Universal Design for-Learning

Engagement… Collaborative Learning!

Cristal found an amazing website, by Brigham Young University, on collaborative learning: http://ctl.byu.edu/collaborative-learning/
Engagement, one of the 3 UDL Principles (Engagement, Representation, and Expression), is all about getting students interested, hooking the content of the lesson to their previous knowledge, and letting them feel comfortable and happy – the best environment for deep learning. Collaborative learning is a wonderful way to enhance Engagement in students.
The site has some great examples of different collaborative learning activities. Make sure to check out the link entitled “Hear more from Prof. Janet Young on collaborative learning,” (http://ctl.byu.edu/?page_id=4601&preview=true). It is especially insightful from a faculty member’s perspective.
Hope you enjoy!

January 20, 2010
by Universal Design for-Learning

UDL Proposal moves ahead with UVM Media Services

Yesterday, Tuesday Jan. 18th 2009….
UDL’s new media team called RAGE (Rathbone.Ahrens.Gupta.Edleman) drafted a proposal to get the support of UVM Media Services department so that the they can edit collected footage of the consultations process- results and implementation in a professional 10 minute video.
We are excited to move forward with this idea and feel that it will be a great addition to the website. We also think it will help build UDL awareness and faculty.
More will be discussed at the next Design Team meeting – but for now any thoughts, comments, or ideas on this VIDEO keep the blog in mind.

October 2, 2009
by Universal Design for-Learning

Kudos to Holly

OK, all you UDL@UVMers, let’s all cheer Holly for setting this blog up for us. 3 cheers, Huzzah!!! And then let’s figure out what we want to use it for. I will be interested in hearing from each of us about what we’re running into in the real world of our work, issues that we discover or realize, puzzling questions or situations, gaps in our knowledge or skills, and related resources. And I would like to hear ideas about what we might do as additional projects or activities if we had additional funding. What else?

October 2, 2009
by Universal Design for-Learning

UDL @ UVM blog is live!

Welcome to the UDL @ UVM blog! The UDL team is hoping this blog will serve as a discussion board and repository of all things related to UD.
Universal Design (UD) in Learning is about applying Universal Design guidelines to the teaching environment. The guidelines put simply:
Use Multiple Means of Representation
Use Multiple Means of Expression
Use Multiple Means of Engagement

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