Welcome to the UDL @ UVM blog! The UDL team is hoping this blog will serve as a discussion board and repository of all things related to UD.
Universal Design (UD) in Learning is about applying Universal Design guidelines to the teaching environment. The guidelines put simply:
Use Multiple Means of Representation
Use Multiple Means of Expression
Use Multiple Means of Engagement
These guidelines provide a very simplified lens for reviewing a course and allowing us to see how material is presented, for example. We can look at how a class is designed, and then suggest incremental changes that would broadly reduce barriers to learning in a class.
Did you know that everyone processes information differently? The standard lecture hall format only works for about 30% of learners. The other 70% are left with piecemeal information that they never fully integrate. UDL is all about getting that other 70% engaged and involved in the class.
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