I was not surprised to see many drastic changes to my spot because of the huge rainstorm and the rapid approach of late fall. There were very few leaves remaining on the trees or even on some paths from where the rain had washed them away. Where the stream meanders showed how the water overrun the stream and was following everywhere. The bridge that allowed you to cross over the stream was washed down about 25 feet in to a thick bush. The soils near the bank of the stream were full of soil while towards the top of the hill only a thin layer remained. Since my last visit most of the green vegetation on the forest ground has been covered but it allowed me to realize that my sight has many ferns: very populous near the fallen logs. With all of the hardwood trees on the ground the pines near my spot began to stand out more. I was able to find a daddy long leg climbing on leaves, a squirrel playing on the path in front of me and a chipmunk running under the broads. When I began to wander past the location of my actual spot I noticed that on an old rotting pine tree a new green and white fungus was growing on the tree.I have tried to research the type of fungus but have been unable to identify which species I saw. For me personally it was hard to draw the map because I wanted to be accurate and not just give a general map but sadly I laack the cartography skills needed to make a map. When I began, I tried to draw the map from memory but as a result this altered the direction of my compass rose which should always be facing North on a map. For this trip to my spot a friend came with me which I enjoyed a lot because I like the presence of others.