Archive for October 26th, 2012


I hope everyone’s doing well. We have a lot to report this week, so please give this email a good read.

First, this coming Sunday will be another deadline for submitting your hours. Remember to get those hours into PeopleSoft, and all of your sessions are in TutorTrac. Also, bring in your Work Summary Reports if you have them. You should address any irregularities in this process with an email to me. Effective next week, any issues with payroll will require you coming in to talk to me.

Second, here is a quick policy update. When you are working in the Learning Co-op, please write your name on your workspace’s designated whiteboard. This allows front desk staff members and students to find tutors quickly and easily.

Third, here are some statistics. For the month of September 2012 alone (a three week period), subject area tutors recorded 158 different students with 316 tutoring sessions. Our total sessions exceeds numbers from the last few years. Great job to all of you busy tutors; you’ve all worked hard to help a lot of your peers. Give yourself a pat on the back.

Fourth, a private tutoring opportunity has come up for CHEM 031. For someone who wants to work with a student regularly to assist with CHEM 031, get in touch with me.

Next, an update on outstanding tutor requests. These are courses for which we do not have any/enough current tutors listed:
BIOL 001, CDAE 002, BIOL 003, SPAN 001-109, CHEM 121, EC 060, NR 104, MATH 173, CS 031
If you can work with any of these courses, do let me know.

Finally, as we approach the end of the semester, please notify me if you will be graduating. It’s never too early to start talking about planning for next semester. Giving me the notice allows me to recruit tutors for any courses you tutor. This helps me, students, and other tutors. So, let me know!

And one last note: I hope everyone has an amazing, overwhelmingly fantastic Halloween. Feel free to tutor in costumes. Be smart, safe, and a have a blast!


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