February Phenology Blog

Wildlife Activity This track was left behind by a squirrel. I have seen a lot of activity from squirrels at my location which is the Centennial Woods. During the winter squirrels spend less time foraging for food and more time in their den. Because they spend less time foraging they usually put on some extra […]

January Phenology Blog

Wildlife Activity Winter Twig Identification Phenological Changes I have not been to my cite in over two months so when I returned I noticed many changes to the landscape. First, the snow melt has caused the river to flow faster and higher. Also, the river banks are starting to wash away because of the fast […]

Sense of Place

Over Thanksgiving break I visited my home town of Pittsford, Vermont. Pittsford was discovered in the early 17th century and is located within the Rutland county. I would describe the natural setting as rural, as Pittsford has quite a small population and the center of town consists of a few establishments, such as gas stations, […]

Phenology Blog #3

Since my last visit to Centennial Woods a great deal has changed. This includes both phenological changes and natural element changes. The first major snowstorm to hit Vermont last night. This made getting to my location much harder and it changed the way my location looks also. I measured about 4 inches at my location. […]

Phenology Assignment

Reilly Shannon Phenology Blog #2 11/1/19 Today I went to my location in Centennial Woods. I noticed that due to the heavy rainfall last night the stream had more water and was flowing faster than usual. The stream flowed hard and it was light brown. I also noticed most of the trees had lost their […]

Hello world!

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Centennial Woods Introduction

I chose my location because it is a nice forested area that is not too far away from campus.. To get to this spot at Centennial Woods it’s about a ten minute walk. I like my spot for many reasons. First, there is a nice little stream that runs through and I can look at […]