Centennial Woods Introduction

I chose my location because it is a nice forested area that is not too far away from campus.. To get to this spot at Centennial Woods it’s about a ten minute walk. I like my spot for many reasons. First, there is a nice little stream that runs through and I can look at the changes in the water quality and I can also look at the changes in how fast the water is flowing. Next, my spot has thick vegetation on the stream line and it also has a cool sandy beach area that allows me to get right up close to the water. Lastly, although my spot is right on the trail, it is pretty quiet because it is far enough from all of the roads. This is nice because I am able to come out to my spot and relax and focus on the nature that is surrounding me. When I get to my spot I like to do a few different things. For a short amount of time I will just take it all in. I sit there and I just look all around me. I try to look for changes and interesting things that I have never noticed before. After this I usually will go look at the water because I find that the organisms are pretty cool to see. I also look at how high up the water is and how hard the water is flowing. The experience here is very peaceful. It is nice to have a place that I can always go to and I know it will be able to allow me to relax. Every time I leave my spot I always feel better. I tend to be less stressed and I forget about a lot of my worries. My spot has a couple of things that define it. I would say the biggest thing that defines it is the bridge that goes right through the middle and over the stream. I would also say the stream defines the spot because it is the main reason that I picked the spot and it always draws my attention.

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