Impact on Refugees

To assess the impact of Refugee Resettlement four refugee-related questions were added to annual Vermonter poll to create baseline data for general population opinions on resettlement. The results of these polls for 2015 and 2016 were analyzed and comparisons made between the two. Despite an increase in anti-immigrant rhetoric (and specific statements by multiple political candidates as well as several state governors and some mayors opposed to the resettlement of Syrian and Iraqi refugees in particular) we discovered that support for refugee resettlement in Vermont had actually increased between the 2015 and 2016 poll of a representative sample of households across the state.

Integration_2016 Location_2016 Responsibility_2016

Vermonter Poll 2015

2015: Given Options

2015: Other Responses

Vermonter Poll 2016

2016: Given Options

2015: Other Responses