Vermont-based Food and Fiber- NWCS Goes to the Farm to Plate Gathering

On November 20th and 21st, the 14th Annual Farm to Plate Network Gathering was held in Killington, Vermont. For the first time, the event included a local fiber panel entitled Vermont-based Food and Fiber- Increasing Diversified Farm and Market Opportunities. The panel featured six panelists with a spectrum of expertise in Vermont fibers- from plant …

Kicking Off Year Two of Our USDA CARE Grant in Hemp Fiber: A Visit to Our Partner Farm

Beginning in the 2023 growing season, the Northwest Crops and Soils team (NWCST) embarked on a three year USDA CARE grant entitled Hemp Fiber: Building Farmer Capacity to Meet the Opportunities and Challenges of a new Market. The grant features 5 research trials on the Borderview Research Farm in Alburgh and one trial at our …

Hemp Fiber Outreach Recap

There was no shortage of hemp fiber outreach events in the Northeast this growing season. In May, UVM Extension’s hemp fiber specialist Laura Sullivan presented our previous year’s findings at the inaugural Northern New England Fibershed Round Table Event at Sanborn Mills Farm in Loudon, New Hampshire. In June, she held a soggy Lecture and …

Beginning the Hemp Field Season

May 25, 2023 marked the planting date for our hemp fiber trials. This year represented a major expansion of our hemp fiber research.  Our goal is to learn more about practices that will help our farmers produce high quality fiber! Tinkering with varieties, seeding rates, crop rotations and retting times to start. All of this …

July On-farm Field Day Opportunities

It’s July already, and we wanted to share a few on-farm workshops coming up this month that UVM Extension Northwest Crops & Soils Program is organizing or collaborating on… Friday, July 14, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Ken Leach and Joanne Chickering, Pawlet, VT. Discussion of drought stress and management considerations for following year as …

Enroll in a Course on Hemp Production

Did you know our colleagues at UMaine offer a series of short-term, career-relevant, flexible learning opportunities? Register today for the Hemp Production: Science & Uses course! A collaborative effort between UVM Extension NWCS and UMaine Extension Professor, John Jemison. This 5-week course is designed for farmers and consultants who want to improve their understanding of …

Sunsetting of Vermont’s Hemp Program and the Transitioning to the U.S. Domestic Hemp Production Program 

This is the final year that the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets (Agency) will administer the Vermont Hemp Program, including the Vermont Hemp Rules and under its USDA approved Domestic Hemp Production Plan.  The Agency approved its first registration to cultivate hemp in 2013.  That first year the Agency registered 174 acres. In …

Managing Disease On Hemp Farms

Managing disease of the hemp crop is a key component in bringing a high-quality product to the market! Much of disease management for hemp involves practices that need to be deployed far ahead of the harvest. Practices such as wider plant spacing, variety selection, and crop rotation can all help reducing disease pressure. While preparation …

Fire Safety Pointers for Farmers Processing Hemp

Electrical Safety, Solvent Safety, and Building Safety are All Essential for Fire Safety (Downloadable PDF click here) Electrical Safety: • Do not overload electrical sockets, breakers, or circuits.• Avoid putting cords against walls or across doorways.• Do not run cords under or over furniture or coverings which can overheat and cause fire.• Follow installation guidance …

Vermont Hemp Production Plan approved by USDA

The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets’ Hemp Program received approval from the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) of the Vermont Hemp Production plan. The approved plan supports the Vermont Hemp Rules and governs registration, production, and compliance for hemp cultivation beginning in 2022. All grower registrants should …

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