Measuring Percent Surface Cover: In-Field vs Remote Technology

INTRODUCTION: From improving soil health to pollinator habitat to protecting water quality, cover crops can provide a multitude of benefits! One way cover crops can protect the field from erosion and reduce nutrients from reaching our waterways is by covering the soil with their leaves and stems. This is called surface cover by cover crop …

Feeling the Squeeze: Manage Nutrients Efficiently to Offset High Fertilizer Prices

With the reality of high fertilizer prices, we encourage you to manage nutrients on your farm as efficiently as possible! The goal this year should be to reduce input costs without sacrificing yield. Below are three strategies that can help you manage nutrient supplies resourcefully. 1) Don’t Guess, Soil Test The first, best step to …

2021 Organic Spring Wheat Variety Trial

In 2021, the University of Vermont Extension’s Northwest Crops and Soils Program evaluated 35 spring wheat varieties to identify varieties that perform well in production systems in northern Vermont. The trial was established at the Borderview Research Farm in Alburgh, Vermont. The 2021 growing season was slightly warmer and significantly drier than the 30-year average. …

Registration is open for the 2022 Industrial Hemp Conference

The University of Vermont Extension Northwest Crops and Soils Program and the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets invite you to the Fourth Annual Industrial Hemp Conference (click to view the conference brochure)! All information is also available at This event will be held virtually over two days – Tuesday, March 15, 9am—1pm …

When to test for Aflatoxins

In 2020, the University of Vermont E. E. Cummings Crop Quality Testing Laboratory expanded testing services to include assessment of grains for aflatoxin concentrations. Aflatoxins are fungal toxins. These carcinogenic compounds are produced by several different molds in the Aspergillus family. The FDA limit for human consumption for aflatoxins is 20 parts per billion (ppb). …

Manure Matters: Sustainable Dung Ecology (Dairy Webinar Series, UVM Extension NWCS)

Throughout February and March 2022, the UVM Extension Northwest Crops & Soils Program will host the Dairy Webinar Series! The first of these webinars is on Friday, February 11, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. – Manure Matters: Sustainable Dung Ecology with Bryony Sands of UVM. Bryony Sands is a postdoctoral research fellow studying the interactions …

Vermont Hemp Production Plan approved by USDA

The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets’ Hemp Program received approval from the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) of the Vermont Hemp Production plan. The approved plan supports the Vermont Hemp Rules and governs registration, production, and compliance for hemp cultivation beginning in 2022. All grower registrants should …

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