Update – Coffee Break for Cover Crops

UPDATE – Coffee Break for Cover Crops Webinar Series Wednesdays: 4/27, 5/4, 5/11, 5/18 & 5/25 We apologize for including an incorrect list of the topics with the dates in the first posting.  Following is the correct topics for each webinar date. 4/27: Cover crops and your corn herbicide program.  Bill Curran, Penn State University. …

Coffee Break for Cover Crops Webinar Series

Coffee Break for Cover Crops Webinar Series Wednesdays: 4/27, 5/4, 5/11, 5/18 & 5/25 Take your morning coffee break with us as you learn practical tips about cover cropping.  Based on the most current research and on-farm experiences, our UVM Extension Northwest Crops & Soils team will provide you with cover crop tips you can …

Terminating Cover Crops

Please Die Rye (reposting from May 8, 2015) Over these past summer-like days, undoubtedly you’ve seen some rye growth! So now is definitely the time to be thinking about termination. Killing the rye through plow down or herbicides are your options right now. Incorporating a winter rye cover crop in its vegetative stage will result …

Team Heads to Maryland for Cover Crop Training

Cover crops, here we come! A team of Vermonters—including NWCS team members Heather Darby, Jeff Sanders, and Sara Ziegler; CVCSP staffer Kirsten Workman; farmer Becky Maden; VT NRCS conservation agronomist Sandra Primard; and VT state SARE coordinator Deb Heleba—headed to Baltimore, Maryland in late March to a conference called, “Cover Crops for Soil Health: A …

Now’s the Time to Consider Frost Seeding

Looking for a cost effective strategy to improve forage diversity and quality in your fields? Frost seeding is a low cost seeding strategy that relies on the action of the soil freezing and thawing to incorporate broadcasted seed into the ground. Frost seeding can begin at any point now as most fields throughout Vermont are …

2015 Corn Research Reports Ready

Our Northwest Crops & Soils Team has been busy this fall harvesting research trials, collecting samples, and crunching stats on all the data we’ve collected. Now that it is officially winter, we are busy writing reports for all of the trials conducted during the 2015 research season. The first of our reports are ready — …

It’s Autumn: Time for Cover Crops, Manure Management, and RAPs

As the harvest season winds down, folks have turned their attention to post-harvest cover cropping and manure application. The corn harvest was several weeks late (again); delays in getting field work done (due to equipment failures and busy custom operators) has slowed some operators getting corn harvest done in a timely manner. However, although the …

School may be out for Summer but the Testing Lab is In Session!

The University of Vermont Extension Cereal Grain Quality Testing Laboratory is run by our NWCS team. Since it opened in 2011, we have tested hundreds of grain and hop samples from our research plots as well as commercial samples from farmers throughout the region. The lab is now back open for the season and ready …

Annual Field Day This Week! 7/23

Join us this Thursday, July 23, 2015 from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for our annual Crops and Soils Field Day at the Borderview Research Farm in Alburgh. The day will include our infamous tour where you will see many of the research trials we are conducting, including those on heirloom beans, silage corn, flax, …

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