
Who is my advisor and what does that mean?

Your advisor is by default the director of the MSLS program, but you may choose a different advisor to serve on your project committee in the second year.  While in other graduate programs, the advisor may play a supervisory or guidance role for the student, in MSLS the advisor generally plays a logistical role (signing-off on forms), while most other support comes from the leadership team.

What is the Leadership Team?

The Leadership Team represents the core MSLS staff, faculty, and affiliates who meet regularly to support the MSLS program and attune to what’s happening in the field.  At its core, this team is Matt Kolan, Emil Tsao, Kaylynn TwoTrees, and Camilla Rockwell, with other faculty/affiliates playing close advisory roles.  Much of the support, feedback, and response students receive stem from the leadership team as a whole.

What is the difference between the MSLS Program Coordinator, the RSENR Graduate Student Services Specialist, and the RSENR Graduate Coordinator?

The MSLS is nested within the Rubenstein School of Environment & Natural Resources (RSENR).  RSENR works with the UVM Graduate College to grant degrees and ensure that all milestones are completed.  The MSLS Program Coordinator (Emil Tsao) is charged with all facets of the MSLS program, while the RSENR Graduate Student Services Specialist (Carolyn Goodwin-Kueffner) and RSENR Graduate Coordinator (Kimberly Wallin) are involved with aspects of MSLS that relate to RSENR and UVM (such as UVM admissions, Graduate College milestones, etc.)

How do I register for courses?

To register for courses, login to your myUVM Portal (myuvm.uvm.edu), navigate to “Registrar” on the top green menu, then click “ADD/DROP/WITHDRAW” on the right hand menu.  You’ll be directed to select the semester and agree with the terms of registration.  You will then be asked to enter the ‘CRN’ for the courses that you wish to take.  If you haven’t received a CRN, go to the UVM Course Directory to look this up (note that the CRN – Course Registration Number – is different than the course number).

How do I adjust the number of credits on courses that allow variable credits (e.g. independent study, project, etc.)?

You should be able to adjust the number of credits for variable credit courses (like independent study course and project credits) — try this: I think if you go into your myuvm portal, then Registrar, then Add/Drop/Withdraw Classes, you’ll see under ‘Current Schedule’ the NR392 course, then under ‘Cred’ you can click the ‘1.000’ and change it to a 3.

What do I need to know for residential intensives?

Prior to each residential intensive we will send a retreat welcome packet that includes area information, pre-work, any necessary forms (e.g. diet/health), and a link to pay for the retreat fees.  At the first intensive, we will present dates for the second and third weeklong intensives.  Please ensure you can take time-off and let us know if you need anything to support you (e.g. letter of support).

What are retreat fees and how do I pay for these?

While UVM will automatically bill you for course credits and comprehensive fees when you register, you must also pay fees for residential intensives to pay for accommodations, food, and other logistical costs. For each intensive, you will receive an online form for payment.  Note that this fee does not include transportation to and from the retreat.

What is an independent study?

Students may design an independent study course with the approval of their advisor and graduate program coordinator.  An independent study course is an opportunity to explore themes, topics, questions and ideas that may not fit under a currently offered UVM course and may include content/curriculum from across and outside UVM.  Students may take up to 3 credits worth of independent study.

What are project credits and when should I take them?

Six project credits are part of the 30 overall credits required to graduate.  These project credits are intended to honor the time, effort, and energy you put into your Master’s project.  They may be taken at any time, and do not need to be taken at the exact time/semester you are working on your project.  Depending on your funding or financial aid needs, you can take these during semesters where you need to meet a minimum credit count, or you may take them all at once.

What resources or perks do I have access to as a student?

You have access to many resources, benefits, and perks as a UVM student, which are included in your comprehensive fees.  The main perks are software and research databases, but there are many others.  We have collected these here.

I have a technology issue! Who should I go to?

For netID, email, myUVM Portal, software access: UVM Enterprise Technology Services (submit a Footprints ticket)

For Blackboard: MSLS Program Coordinator (Emil) or Justin Henry at Center for Teaching & Learning (Justin.Henry@uvm.edu)

I have a financial aid issue! Who should I go to?

For MSLS/DeHayes Scholarship needs, work with Emil.  For general funding/financial aid needs, work with UVM Student Financial Services.

I am having course registration difficulties! Where do I go?

This may be caused by multiple reasons: if you need a course override, email the course instructor.  If you have a financial hold, reach out to UVM SFS.  If you are having trouble logging into myUVM, reach out to the UVM Registrar.

My netID isn’t working! Where do I go?

Contact the UVM Registrar office if you are having trouble logging in with your netID or accessing the myUVM Portal.