Cars: References

Scholarly Sources:

  1. Karsten, L. (2005). It all used to be better? Different generations on continuity and change in urban children’s daily use of space. Children’s Geographies, 3(3), 275–290.
  2. Nasaw, D. (2012). Children of the city: at work and at play. Anchor.
  3. Norton, P. (2015). “Four Paradigms: Traffic Safety in the Twentieth-Century United States.” Technology and Culture 56(2), 319-334.
  4. Norton, P. D. (2011). “What Are Streets For? (Ed.) Fighting traffic: the dawn of the motor age in the American city. Mit Press.
  5. Nguyen, H. (2016) The Rise in Automobile Adoption and The Fall in Mortality Rates in the Early 20th Century 
  6. Petroski, H. (2016). The Road Taken (Ed.) The Road Taken: The History and Future of America’s Infrastructure. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.
  7. Ward, C. (1978) The Child in the City. Pantheon Books ISBN: o-294-49845-3
  8. Zelizer, V. A. (1985) “Pricing the Priceless Child: The Changing Social Value of Children” Princeton University Press

Primary Sources:

  1. Bartholomew, H. (1924). Reduction of Street Traffic Congestion by Proper Street Design: How St. Louis Is Meeting Its Problem. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 116(1), 244-246. 
  2. Personal Communication, Anne Guba, September 30th 2024
  3. Population Density per sq. mile [Map]. In Census 1940 Census Tract Only Retrieved 10 December 2024, from
  4. “Saving the Massachusetts Child”, National Safety News, July 1923, p. 36 Courtesy National Safety Council
  5. Riis, J. A., photographer. (ca. 1890) Boys Playing in Street. , ca. 1890. [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
  6. Riis, J. A., photographer. (ca. 1890) Hester Street, New York City. , ca. 1890. [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
  7. Wage and Salary Workers [Map]. In Census 1940 Census Tract Only Retrieved 10 December 2024, from