
Spanish Materials

Question 1: Does anyone know of a source for an aquatic macroinvertebrate key that’s written in Spanish?

Question 2: Does anyone have volunteer monitoring manuals and/or other educational materials in Spanish on their websites?

Question 1

Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 00:11:12 -0600
From: Kris Stepenuck
Subject: [volmonitor] Spanish macroinvertebrate key?

Does anyone know of a source for an aquatic macroinvertebrate key that’s written in Spanish?



Kris Stepenuck
WI Volunteer Stream Monitoring Coordinator and staff on Volunteer Water Monitoring National Facilitation Project
UW-Extension and WI Department of Natural Resources
210 Hiram Smith Hall
1545 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706-1289
Phone: 608-265-3887
Fax: 608-262-2031

Responses to Question 1

Subject: Fw: [volmonitor] Spanish macroinvertebrate key?

Hi Kris,

I’ve sent an e-mail to our office in San Juan, PR. I’m hoping that they will get back to me soon with helpful information.

Paula Zevin
Regional Volunteer Monitoring Coordinator
Division of Environmental Science and Assessment
U.S.E.P.A. – Region 2
2890 Woodbridge Avenue, MS-220
Edison, NJ 08837
Tel.: (732) 321-4456
Fax: (732) 321-6616


From: Sherry Forgash
Subject: Re: [volmonitor] Spanish macroinvertebrate key?
To: Volunteer water monitoring

try the University of Puerto Rico, They are one of the land grant universities in EPA region 2.
hope this helps

Sherry Forgash
Nassau County SWCD (Soil and Water Conservation District)
1864 Muttontown Rd.
Syosset, New York 11791
516-364-5860 Phone
516-364-5861 Fax


Subject: Re: [volmonitor] Spanish macroinvertebrate key?
To: Volunteer water monitoring
Cc: Kim Leizinger

Kris, have you contacted the folks at Global Water Watch (affiliated with AL Water Watch)?
I belive they conduct monitoring training sessions in Central America.

Alice Mayio
USEPA (4503T)
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20460
(202) 566-1184


From: Chris Sullivan
Subject: Re: [volmonitor] Spanish macroinvertebrate key?

Hi Kris,

I have a document from Georgia Adopt-A-Stream that details chemical and biological monitoring. There is not a key, but there is some picture guides, unfortunately, now that I look at them, they are in english. the rest of the document is in Spanish and may prove helpful.

If you do find a key in Spanish, can you send it to me?

I have attached the Georgia doc to this email.



Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 08:07:58 -0600
From: William Deutsch
Subject: Re: [CSREESVolMon] Spanish macroinvertebrate key?
To: Kris Stepenuck
Cc: Omar Romagnoli ,

We will soon be translating our stream bioassessment manual into Spanish in preparation for some workshops in Mexico in March. This may not include a full key, but will have the principles and practice of biomonitoring, based on a modified, EPA protocol 1 (three groups of macroinvertebrates and a biotic index of WQ).



From: Lisa Galloway Evrard
Subject: RE: [CSREESVolMon] Spanish macroinvertebrate key?
To: ‘Kris Stepenuck’


I’m not aware of any Spanish keys, but the “Get Bugged About Water Quality” keychain/magnifier are available in Spanish (


Lisa Galloway Evrard
Program Associate, Water Resources
Rutgers Cook College
Rutgers Cooperative Research & Extension
14 College Farm Road
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551
Fax: 732-932-8644


Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 08:01:50 -0700
From: Andree Walker
Subject: RE: [CSREESVolMon] Spanish macroinvertebrate key?

The EPA used to have small magnifying glasses attached to cards with
pictures of macros on them. They had Spanish versions. Maybe they have a
Spanish key?


From: “Seago, Jan”
Subject: RE: [CSREESVolMon] Spanish macroinvertebrate key?
To: Kris Stepenuck


I asked Sharon Collman, our favorite ‘bug lady’ and she says that EPA has a handout available that is English and Spanish. It is not a complete list, however. If you call your EPA regional office’s PERC they might have some. If you do not have access to that number, call Region 10 at 206-553-1200 and ask for Ms. Hayslip.

Jan Seago
WSU Extension
Water Resource Education Program Coordinator
509.248.6869 office
360.951.5536 cell


From: Will Payne
Subject: RE: [CSREESVolMon] Spanish macroinvertebrate key?
To: ‘Kris Stepenuck’

I don’t think you will find word-for-word translations for “common names”. However, the Latin taxonomy is universal! Anyway, I’ll keep checking. In the meantime, here are some Spanish translation manuals from Georgia adopt-a-stream that you may find useful

Will Payne
Yuma Agricultural Center
The University of Arizona
6425 W. 8th St.
Yuma, AZ 85364
(928) 782 – 3836


Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 14:38:06 -0500
From: Linda Green
Subject: RE: [CSREESVolMon] Spanish macroinvertebrate key?

List serve folks, here is info on Spanish macroinvertebrate keys, forwarded from Manuel L. Pescador, to Dave Penrose, then to Greg Jennings and finally to Kris S & list serve participants.
Hi Dave:
The two publications that come to mind which have keys in Spanish are:
1. Roldan, G. 1988. Guia para el estudio de los macroinvertebrados del Departamento de Antioquia, Colombia. Fen-Colombia, Colciencias,
Universidad de Antioqua, eds. Santafe de Bogota, Colombia 217p.

2. Fernando, F., C. M. Gonzalo Andrade, and G. Amat. 2004. Insectos der Colombia. Vol. 3. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. 602 p. Both references have keys to families in Spanish. The paper by Roldan includes all the macroinverteberates while Fernando et al. paper ideals with insects both aquatic and terrestrial. I am sure there are other references on macroiinvertebrates in Latin America that I am not aware of, I will be on the look out and keep you posted. Our book on Mayflies of South America which will be published by Pensoft Publishers in Spring 2006 has keys(Families, Genera, Species) in both English and Spanish. I just finished reviewing the galley proof and we are looking forward to see copies of the book coming out soon.
Let me know if I could be of further assistance.
Hasta pronto,



On 12 Jan 2006 at 9:06, Dave Penrose wrote:
Hey Manny,

Hope things are going good amigo.

I got this message today asking for bug keys in Spanish and I’m assuming
that they want something fairly general. Can you help with this? Thanks.


Dave Penrose
Water Quality Extension Associate
NCSU Water Quality Group
Campus Box 7637
Raleigh, NC 27695-7637
ph: 919-515-8244; fax: 919-515-7448

“Entomologists are the most gentle people on earth – until a taxonomic problem crops up; it then transforms them into tigers.” Vladimir Nabokov, 1971


From: Kristen Travers []
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 3:56 PM
To: Volunteer water monitoring
Cc: Kim Leizinger
Subject: Re: [volmonitor] Spanish macroinvertebrate key?

Another reference for the list –

Hernandex, HR and Dominguez, E. (eds). 2001. Guia para la Determinacion  de
los Arthopodes Bentonicos Sudamericanos. Universidad Nacional de Tucuman,
Tucuman, Argentina.

Kristen Travers
Stroud Water Research Center
970 Spencer Road
Avondale, PA 19311
610-268-2153 x239


Also see page 24 of the Winter 2005 edition of the Volunteer Monitor newsletter for a listing of Spanish lanugage water-quality focused educational materials:


Date: Tue, 08 May 2007 10:28:46 -0400
From: Linda Green
Subject: [volmonitor] FW: Spanish/English water and environment Extension

The weblink below provides a link to Extension publications available in
Spanish and English on water and environmental issues:

Shortcut to:

Linda Green


Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 17:22:36 +0000
From: Giovany Guevara Cardona
Subject: Spanish macroinvertebrate key?

Dear Kris

I am writing to you because of I see your message in Internet. I have a
caddisfly larvae key from Antioquia (Colombia) and other documents.

I hope that this information can be useful for you.

Trichoptera Coello GGC-2005.pdf (4.8 MB pdf file)

Plecoptera.pdf (221 KB pdf file)

zoologia2.pdf (548 KB pdf file)


Giovany Guevara Cardona
Biólogo-M.Sc. Est. de Doctorado en Ciencias, Mención Sistemática y Ecología
Instituto de Zoología
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad Austral de Chile
Casilla 567
Campus Isla Teja


Date: Mon, 07 May 2007 17:37:09 -0400
From: “Rozum, Mary Ann”
Subject: Spanish/English water and environment Extension factsheets

The weblink below provides a link to Extension publications available in
Spanish and English on water and environmental issues:

Question 2

Date: Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 3:22 PM
From: Mayio, Alice
Subject: [volmonitor] monitoring manuals/educational materials in Spanish?

Does anyone have volunteer monitoring manuals and/or other educational materials in Spanish on their websites?  Global Water Watch has some Spanish content on their website but I’m unable to find actual manuals or instructional materials in Spanish.  I’m interested in helping support an environmental education project in Chile.  Thanks!

Alice Mayio
USEPA Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds
1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW (4503T)
Washington, DC  20460
(202) 566-1184

Responses to Question 2

From: Tara Muenz
Date: Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 3:36 PM
Subject: RE:[volmonitor] monitoring manuals/educational materials in Spanish?

Hi Alice,

Yes, you can find 3 of our Georgia Adopt-A-Stream manuals translated here (scroll towards the bottom):

Very Best,

Tara Muenz
State Coordinator, Georgia Adopt-A-Stream
Environmental Protection Division, GA DNR
4220 International Parkway, Suite 101
Atlanta, Georgia 30354
PH: 404-675-1635
FAX: 404-675-6245
Find us on Facebook!


From: Christina Medved
Date: Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: [volmonitor] monitoring manuals/educational materials in Spanish?


We have a Spanish version of the Leaf Pack Experiment manual available as a free download on the Leaf Pack Network® website:
We also have a  macroinvertebrate identification key, sorting sheets and a few other macro resources in Spanish. We developed them for workshops we taught in both Costa Rica and Peru. Those resources can be found here:

All the best,

Christina Medved,  M.A.
Education Programs Manager/Leaf Pack  Network® Administrator
Stroud Water Research Center
970 Spencer  Rd., Avondale, PA 19311
(610) 268-2153 ext. 301,  FAX: (610) 268-0490  or


From: Lorien Walsh
Date: Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 11:57 AM
Subject: RE:[volmonitor] monitoring manuals/educational materials in Spanish?

There are some lesson plans on monitoring/watersheds that were developed for WWMC by Project WET a few years back.  They are available in Spanish at


From: Stepenuck, Kris []
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 1:56 PM
To: Volunteer water monitoring

Although we don’t have manuals in both languages, we have English as well as Spanish-dubbed stream monitoring training videos at:

And also our key to life in the river is in Spanish: and in English:

The Give Water a Hand Guide (produced by UW-Extension but not part of our stream monitoring program) is in both languages too:

Kris Stepenuck

Kristine Stepenuck
Water Action Volunteers Stream Monitoring Program Coordinator
UW-Extension and WI Department of Natural Resources
445 Henry Mall, Rm 202
Madison WI 53706
608-265-3887 (MTF)
608-264-8948 (WR)
608-575-2413 (mobile)


 From: Julie Wood
Date: Wed, May 15, 2013 at 5:13 PM

Thanks Kris!
Super useful.

Julie Wood
Senior Scientist
Charles River Watershed Association
190 Park Road
Weston, MA  02943
t 781.788.0007 x225
f 781.788.0057