This web page was developed to provide Volunteer Monitoring Program Coordinators with easy access to a number of relevant publications for planning and carrying out effective programs. If you know of other relevant publications that should be linked from this site, please let us know!
Getting Started in Citizen Monitoring
- Getting Started in Volunteer Monitoring, Extension National Water Resource Project (2003)
- Guide to Citizen Science, London Natural History Museum and The Biological Records Centre (2012)
- Guide to Volunteer Watershed Monitoring Options in the Merrimack River Watershed,Volunteer Environmental Monitoring Network (1996)
- Monitoring Equipment Suppliers
- Riparian and Aquatic Ecosystem Monitoring: A Manual of Field and Lab Procedures, 4th edition, Student Watershed Research Project (2003)
- River Monitoring Study Design Workbook, River Network (1995)
- Starting Out in Volunteer Monitoring, EPA (2012)
- The Volunteer Monitor newsletter, EPA
- The Volunteer Monitor’s Guide To Quality Assurance Project Plans, EPA (1996)
- Training Volunteer Water Quality Monitors Effectively, Extension National Water Resource Project (2004)
- Volunteer Estuary Monitoring: A Methods Manual, EPA (2006)
- Volunteer Lake Monitoring: A Methods Manual, EPA (1991)
- Volunteer Stream Monitoring: A Methods Manual, EPA (1997)
- Volunteer Wetland Monitoring: An Introduction and Resource Guide, EPA (2001)
- A Citizen’s Guide to Understanding and Monitoring Lakes and Streams, Washington State Dept. of Ecology (1991)
- A Volunteer’s Handbook for Monitoring New England Salt Marshes, Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management and Massachusetts Bays National Estuary Program (2002)
- Alaska Stream Team Educational Level Water Quality Monitoring Field Guide,
Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage (2004)
- Bacteria Monitoring Guidelines (100 K pdf), Hach Company (2011)
- Southern Maine Beach Profile Monitoring Volunteer Manual, University of Maine Cooperative Extension/Sea Grant
- Beach Monitoring Procedures, Island County/WSU Beach Watches (2003)
- Benthic Macroinvertebrate Biological Monitoring Protocols for Rivers and Streams, Washington State Dept. of Ecology (2001)
- Broadening Participation in Biological Monitoring: Handbook for Scientists and Managers, Pilz, David; Ballard, Heidi L.; Jones, Eric T. (2006)
- Community Water Watch Participant Manual, Monroe County, NY Department of Health (2001)
- E. coli Monitoring Training Manual, Citizens Monitoring Bacteria (2007)
- Guide to Volunteer Stream Monitoring, University of MN Water Resources Center (2002)
- Lakes of Missouri Volunteer Program Manual, University of Missouri
- Citizen Watershed Monitoring Network, Central Coast Regional Citizen Monitoring Guide, Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary
- San Francisco Bay Area Regional Volunteer Monitoring Program Manuals, San Francisco Estuary Institute
- Southern Maine Beach Profile Monitoring Volunteer Manual, University of Maine Cooperative Extension/Sea Grant
- Stream Monitoring Methods, Wisconsin Water Action Volunteers (2015)
- Utah Stream Team Manual, Utah Extension
- Virginia Citizen Water Quality Monitoring Manual, Virginia DEQ (2007)
- Volunteer Lake Monitoring: A Methods Manual, EPA (1991)
- Volunteer Estuary Monitoring: A Methods Manual, EPA (2006)
- Volunteer Stream Monitoring: A Methods Manual, EPA (1997)
- Volunteer Stream Monitoring Training Manual, Hoosier Riverwatch (2015)
- Volunteer Wetland Monitoring: An Introduction and Resource Guide, EPA (2001)
Quality Assurance
- Lower Kenai Peninsula Watershed Health Project QAPP, Cook Inlet Keeper (2000)
- Guidance on Systematic Planning Using the Data Quality Objectives Process, EPA
- Instructions for the use of the Clean Water Team (CWT) Model Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs), CA EPA State Water Resources Control Board
- Maine Lake Assessment Quality Assurance Program Plan, Maine DEP (2004)
- Marsh Monitoring Program QAPP, Bird Studies Canada (2000)
- Preparing Quality Assurance Project Plans for Stream Teams and Volunteer Monitoring Projects, Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Bureau of Water, Nonpoint Source Section (2000)
- Quality Assurance Plan for Chemical Monitoring, Alabama Water Watch (2004)
- Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan for the Macroinvertebrate Biomonitoring of Black Brook and Occooch Watersheds in the Town of Awuinnah, Massachusetts Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head, Aquinnah, MA (1999)
- The Volunteer Monitor’s Guide To Quality Assurance Project Plans, EPA (1996)
- Water Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan for the Yuba Watershed Council Monitoring Committee, Yuba Watershed Council (2012)
- The Massachusetts Volunteer Monitor’s Guidebook to Quality Assurance Project Plans, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (2001)
- Field Guide to Aquatic Invertebrates, West Virginia Save Our Streams and WV Department of Environmental Protection
- Guide to Aquatic Invertebrates of the Upper Midwest, University of Minnesota
- Identification Guide to Riffle Dwelling Macroinvertebrates of Connecticut Project SEARCH, CT DEEP (2013)
- Key to Macroinvertebrate Life in the River, University of Wisconsin-Extension, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and Riveredge Nature Center
- Key to Macroinvertebrate Life in the River (Spanish version), University of Wisconsin-Extension, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and Riveredge Nature Center, Catherine Woodward
- Key to Life in the Pond, University of Wisconsin-Extension, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and Riveredge Nature Center
- Key to Life in the Wetland, University of Wisconsin-Extension, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and Riveredge Nature Center
Nitrogen-related Publications and Resources
- Agricultural Nitrogen Management for Water Quality Protection, A Heartland Region Water Coordination Publication (2013)
- Ammonia Volitization, University of Missouri Extension
- Biogeochemical Cycles including the Nitrogen Cycle, The Environmental Literacy Council
- Denitrification, University of Missouri Extension
- How Nitrogen Enters Water, University of Missouri Extension
- Human Alteration of the Global Nitrogen Cycle, Ecological Society of America (1997)
- Mineralization – Immobilization, University of Missouri Extension
- Nitrate Frequently Asked Questions, The Nitrate Elimination Company, Inc.
- Nitrate Poisoning, University of Missouri Extension
- Nitrate: Risks To Your Health The Nitrate Elimination Company, Inc.
- Nitrification, University of Missouri Extension
- Nitrogen Cycle (pdf), Iowa State University Extension
- Nitrogen Cycle, University of Missouri Extension
- Nitrogen Fixation, University of Missouri Extension
- Nitrogen in the Plant, University of Missouri Extension
- Nitrogen’s Most Common Forms, University of Missouri Extension
- Nonpoint Pollution of Surface Waters with Phosphorus and Nitrogen, Ecological Society of America (1998)
- Nutrients in Our Lakes and Streams, Washington State Department of Ecology (2002)
- Nutrient Management Spear Program including the Nitrogen Cycle Cornell University (2005)
- Nutrient Pollution Policy and Data, EPA
- Nutrient Pollution, EPA
- Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater
- The Problem With Nutrients, The Coalition for Buzzards Bay (2001)
Resources for Managing Volunteers
- 139 Ways to Say Thank You and Recognize Volunteers, The Ohio State University Extension
- Conservation Language, Memo for The Nature Conservancy and The Trust for Public Land that provides some easy-to-follow, broad “rules” for communication – words to avoid and others to emphasize – to make your conservation message more effective.
- Motivating People to Volunteer, The Delta Chi Fraternity, Inc.
- Turn Your Organisation Into a Volunteer Magnet, OzVPM (2007)
- Volunteer Management and Support, Extension National Water Resource Project (2008)
- Volunteer Management Practices and Retention of Volunteers, The Urban Institute (2004)
- Volunteer Management Resource Kit, Volunteering Queensland Inc. (2001)