February, Kinda Scary…

This past month has been cold, snowy, and busy! Very, very snowy!! Although February is supposed to be the shortest month of the year, boy has it felt like a life time…

Path coming up to my site, a sweet, large Sugar Maple with a relaxing bench.

While being there the coupe times I have had the time to go, I have yet to see and wildlife. No tracks, no scat, no creatures in general… Not even birds come to my trees… :( I would’ve at least expected to see some tracks from the fat grey squirrels that inhabit my bench but yet there were none. This could be due to the ranging temperatures and amount of snowfall we’ve had in the past few weeks. That and the fact that the location in which my area is placed happens to be on campus and humans do walk through it from time to time. I did find human tracks. A variety of shoe sizes and types. If that counts. They were all found cutting across the lawn or near the base of the Sugar Maple.

A closer look at the Sugar Maple. Peep the American Beech in the background… A few human tracks can be seen.

The main difference I found at my site this time than the last was the snow cover. That and the American Beech in the back of my site had lost a few more rows of leaves from its branches. It will always amaze me as to how long this species can hang onto its leaves even in conditions such as we have experienced in the last month!!

(all photos taken by yours truly)

Field Notes from the days I was able to get out there and take the time to be observant.

~ by Kristina on February 28, 2020.

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