LDAP group memberships per individual

15 10 2014

To find out all the groups of which a user is a member, use:

ldapsearch -x -h ldap.uvm.edu -b 'ou=groups,dc=uvm,dc=edu' memberuid=[netid] cn

CFEngine-Supported Certificate Signing Request (CSR) Generation

18 07 2014

Much of this is preconfigured by cfengine using a Makefile. Here’e the general procedure for RHEL5/RHEL6 boxes:

sudo su
cd /etc/pki/tls/certs
make myhostname.csr

Answer the questions (US, Vermont, Burlington, etc). CN is hostname. Password is password. Then you’ll have the .csr file, and the .key file (which is encrypted). Assuming you want it unencrypted:

umask 077
openssl rsa -in myhostname.key -out myhostname.key.notcrypted
(enter password)
mv myhostname.key.notcrypted myhostname.key.new

Update 2017-04-11: Makefile still generates SHA1 requests. Here’s the openssl commands to manually make a SHA2 request:

openssl genrsa -aes128 2048 > myhostname.key
(enter password)
openssl req -utf8 -new -sha256 -key test.key -out myhostname.csr

diff STDOUT or other output streams

3 04 2014

The ‘diff’ shell command is useful for comparing text files, but also great for comparing shell outputs with this method:

diff <(ls -alh /or/something) <(ls -alh /or/whatever)

Add any favorite flags and go to town.

diff -y --suppress-common-lines <(ls -alh /or/something) <(ls -alh /or/whatever)

(Note: this may not work for all substitutions.)

New rsync remote host syntax

7 03 2014

Updated rsync syntax. This version accounts for symlinks and does a better job with file permissions, now that the source files are on a network drive:

rsync -v -r -u -l -e ssh --chmod=a+r,Dg+s,ug+w,o-w,+X,Fa-x --exclude-from=/path/to/skip.txt /path/to/mounted/network/drive netid@server.domain.url:/remote/destination

-v = verbose
-r = recursive
-u = update changed files only
-l = copy symlinks as symlinks
-e = specify remote shell (“ssh” in this example)
-chmod = affect file and/or directory permissions

  • a+r = all add read
  • Dg+s = Directories only, group add sticky bit
  • ug+w = owner/group add write
  • o-w = other remove write
  • +X = make a directory or file searchable/executable by everyone if it is already searchable/executable by anyone…
  • Fa-x = …but remove searchable/executable if it’s a file and not a directory

As before, you can also get a “dry run” to list changes (but not actually execute the change) by adding the -n flag:

rsync -v -r -u -l -n -e ssh --chmod=a+r,Dg+s,ug+w,o-w,+X,Fa-x --exclude-from=/path/to/skip.txt /path/to/mounted/network/drive netid@server.domain.url:/remote/destination

rsync remote host syntax

12 03 2013

In a nutshell:

rsync -v -r -u -e ssh ./localsource netid@server.domain.url:/remote/destination

-v = verbose
-r = recursive
-u = update changed files only
-e = specify remote shell (“ssh” in this example)

You can also get a “dry run” and see what will change (but not actually execute the change) by adding the -n flag:

rsync -v -r -u -n -e ssh ./localsource netid@server.domain.url:/remote/destination

Files that should regularly be excluded (such as .DS_Store) can have their names added to a text file, such as:

Temporary Items

Then call the text file with the --exclude-from flag:

rsync -v -r -u -e ssh --exclude-from=/path/to/skip.txt ./localsource \ netid@server.domain.url:/remote/destination

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