httpd conf edits

12 03 2013

Main conf file in:


Includes in:


Make your changes, restart httpd:

/etc/init.d/httpd restart

LDAP search from shell

5 09 2012

Getting info from LDAP via the command line (in this example, getting list of affiliations):

ldapsearch -x -h -LLL 'cn=list of uvm affiliations' uvmeduaffiliation

or a specific person:

ldapsearch -x -h -LLL 'cn=[name]' cn mail ou

This one will limit what comes back to be the full name (cn), their default mail address (mail), and what department (ou) they work in/report to.

Debugging Bourne/Bash shell scripts

6 03 2012

To debug a shell script,

sh -n

will check for (most) syntax errors without actually executing the script, while

sh -v

will echo each command before executing it. Use them together:

sh -nv

to get a verbose syntax check.

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