11/26/18 Thanksgiving Break post

  https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?hl=en&mid=1MVeEnOzwnCoIMj-76tp1aBdZpQ6jwjIi&ll=40.726464479595855%2C-74.42135059999998&z=18 My location lies within the Great swamp wildlife refuge education center the only completely untouched area for miles it is still surrounded by houses and buildings. The center quickly. Changes from woods to swamp .  Coming to the clearing the deciduous trees give way to a lively yet peaceful pond. It is cold […]


There were a few changes since my last visit. However, the few things that had changed was a slight rise in water level due to the recent rain. A noticeable increase in leaves on the ground form trees outside of my area. The brook also contained many leaves which were starting to block and slow water flow.