- aesthetic
- Amar Chitra Katha
- art
- bhakti
- caste
- color
- colorism
- color meaning
- Cultural Appropriation
- dharma
- Epics
- feminism
- Ganesh
- Gender
- guru devotion
- Hanuman
- Hero
- Hindu epics
- Hinduism
- Identity construction
- Imagery
- India
- Inspiration
- issues with gender
- Linda Biafore
- morality
- Newsweek
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- Politics
- Rama
- Ramayana
- rasa
- REL131
- Religious Imagery
- research
- shakti
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- Sita
- student research
- tradition
- Urban Outfitters
- visuality
- writing
REL131’s Blog
Students have been researching, reading, re-reading, and re-researching topics related to Ram, the Ramayana, and the broader field of religion. This blog serves as their final assignment: taking in-depth research on specific topics and making them accessible to a public audience. Please visit our About page for more details.ALL POSTS
Tag Archives: Same-Sex Marriage
The Legitimacy of Same-Sex Love in Hinduism
Many of the major religions that have been largely active and influential in the world have heteronormativity and heterosexism as written and working inner parts. Hinduism cannot be fully be included, though within its myths and literature such social constructions … Continue reading