Weather conditions prime for aphid infestations

  The hop harvest is well underway in the Northeastern U.S., but growers are reporting high aphid populations on hops yet to be harvested. The cool and wet weather we have been experiencing has contributed to an abundance of aphids on a variety of crops including hops. The hop aphid is one of the most …

Malting Barley Field Day, Aug 22

Andrew Peterson of Peterson Quality Malt has been malting Vermont-grown grains to supply Vermont’s rapidly growing market of brewers and distillers. He believes that these local businesses deserve a fresh, local product to make their brews and spirits. Since opening the malt house in 2012, his business has continued to expand as the demand for …

Registration Open for 10th Annual Crops and Soils Field Day, 7/27

Our 10th Annual Crops and Soils Field Day is just 2 weeks away and you are invited! All farmers, Extension educators, ag service providers, and other interested folk are welcome to attend our annual event on Thursday July 27, 2017 at Borderview Research Farm in Alburgh, Vermont. This day-long event provides an opportunity to check out …

What’s Hoppening with the Hoppers?

As we all know, it has been an impressively rainy season so far here in the Northeast. While the rain has fueled pests like  downy mildew and aphids in our hopyard, potato leafhoppers (PLH) have thus far posed less of a threat to the production of our hops. However, even with lower numbers, these pests …

Beware of Bull Shoots!

Due to the cold, wet weather this spring, our hops have been a little slow to emerge from the ground, but they’re finally ready to train! If you’ve been looking at your hopyard and thinking the same thing, be cautious of bull bines. These bines are the first shoots to emerge from the ground in …

Got Downy Mildew?

As you know from previous What’s Hoppening posts, the first signs that a plant is infected with downy mildew will be basal spikes. But these are not the only symptoms of downy mildew. As the season progresses, aerial spikes and infected leaves will begin to appear. Like basal spikes, aerial spikes are indicative of systemic …

April Showers Bring May…Downy Mildew

Although the rain is a welcome change from last year, all this moisture indicates that it is prime downy mildew season! Since April 15, we have had 8 days with a high likelihood for infection at the hopyard at Borderview Research Farm in Alburgh, VT, compared to only 2 at this point last year. Downy …

Recruiting NE Hop Growers for Pest and Nutrient Management Project

Our University of Vermont Extension Northwest Crops & Soils (NWCS) Team is currently recruiting Northeast hop growers for a 3-year NE-SARE project looking to advance pest and nutrient management strategies for Northeast hop production. As a participant, you will have access to the following opportunities. Complete an introductory survey that allows us to collect basic …

Six-Year Study Shows Hop Insect Patterns

Excited for the 2017 growing season? We are…and so are the bugs! We recently published our final Organic Hop Variety Trial Report that includes 6 years of data on disease, weed, and insect pest populations found in our hopyard, as well as yield and quality performance of more than 20 hop varieties we evaluated. Our …

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