WHAT: UVM Extension Northwest Crops and Soils Field Day
WHEN: Thursday, July 28, 2016
TIME: 10 am to 3:30 pm
WHERE: Borderview Farm, 146 Line Road, Alburgh, VT
If you haven’t had a chance to sign up for our Annual Crops & Soils Field Day, register today, as it is just around the corner. Our theme this year is “Eat It, Drink It, Feed It, Fuel It – Conducting Food System Research Crop by Crop” and we will be featuring the end-products made from the crops we’ve been researching at a ‘Tasting Tent.’
We will be touring the hopyard along with other research trials we are conducting. Hops specific presentations will include:
- Small-scale harvesters by hopsharvester.com
- Fertility in our hopyard
- Pest scouting and identification
- On-going research trials on Biofungicides and crowning
- Q and A with the team

Highlights of the day will also include:
- Tour of research trials
- New research crops including industrial hemp and milkweed
- Tasting Tent – several Vermont businesses with locally grown products
- Innovative equipment
- Organic weed control strategies
- BBQ chicken lunch
- And much, much more!
Register today!! Cost is $25 per person (non-farmer) and $10 per farmer. Includes lunch and CCA credits.
See you at the Field Day! And until then, keep calm and hop on…