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Scholarships for NYC Summer Practicum on Floating Food Forest

New scholarships just announced for our 1-2 weeks summer practicum in NYC aboard the Swale floating forest. Join us and / or please pass this along to college students, recent grads, and young professionals who are in need of financial aid to take advantage of this unique opportunity.

Radical Art and Ecology Aboard a Floating Food Forest

A hands-on program offering practical skills in urban agriculture, water systems, and environmental justice.

Participate in one or both of the week-long sessions:
Public Food + Urban Agriculture (May 30 – June 4, 2017)
Urban Waterways + Water Systems (June 6 – June 11, 2017)

What is the role of art and culture in transforming society for the better? How can we imagine new systems for meeting our most basic needs? How do we create regenerative infrastructure that gives back to land, water, and community?

This summer, join Eco Practicum – a desk-free school for ecological justice – on an exploration of public food and water aboard Swale, a profound and innovative piece of socially engaged art and public infrastructure in New York City. Swale us an edible park, a public sculpture, and a proposal for a new way to steward public parks and waterways of New York.

Resilience + Resistance NYC is an hands-on summer program for current college students, recent graduates, and young professionals who are interested in engaging with the most pressing socio-environmental issues of our time and working towards social and ecological justice.
Participants will:
-steward the Swale perennial plant landscape using permaculture principles
-learn the fundamentals of urban beekeeping
-engage visitors in discussions about growing food on public land
-manage solar energy and water filtration systems
-host experts for public talks and film screenings
-participate in arts workshops
-take field trips to visit ecologically significant projects throughout New York City
** Scholarships are available, please check website for details **

Learn more and apply online

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