King of Salmon Hole



Event Map (Palmer, 2016)


My most recent visit to Salmon Hole occurred on Saturday November 5th at four in the afternoon. It was by far the most interesting of my visits to my spot.

I really enjoyed the concept of the events map, because I really had to pay close attention to what was going on around me. My first two visits were purely time to get acquainted with the area. This time I really got to listen to it and to feel it.

As I was sitting on a log, an English Cream Golden Retriever ran up to me playfully. Her owner told me her name was Jackie. I pet Jackie for a moment, suddenly her owner asked if I knew where the coolest tree in Burlington was.

I replied with a no. Then he pointed right behind me, through the understory to a tree towering over even the tallest Eastern White Pines.

“That is the most beautiful Aspen I have seen, and I’m from Colorado.” He then explained that he had been chatting with the city arborist about this tree, and he learned that it was so tall because of the location. Salmon Hole has a very steep slope from the riparian area to the road. Being in a place stark of sunlight surrounded by many other trees, the aspen had to grow aggressively to compete for light. It succeeded.

As I stood there looking up at this magnificent tree, I wondered how I had never noticed it before. It truly was the King of Salmon Hole looking down on the land and water with care. It was a beautiful moment.


Otherwise the area changed little. More leaves fell and due to the rain last week the water level was maintained.