Doing Good, Doing Well: Four Core Elements of Doing Well

Belonging, Independence, Mastery, and Generosity While to-do lists and deadlines are important to moving forward in our lives, clarifying our own intentions can move us in the direction we really want to go. The Circle of Courage, a strengths-based development philosophy, identified four crucial elements that may be useful guideposts as you navigate classes, activities, …

Internship of the Month: ECHO Lakeside Aquarium and Science Center

Intern: Kyle Pestlin Class Year: 2012 Major: Biology Employer: ECHO Lakeside Aquarium and Science Center Internship Title: Animal Care Intern Website: LinkedIn Profile: Briefly tell us about the organization you were with: ECHO is an aquarium and science center located on the Burlington Waterfront. Their goal is to provide a fun and interactive …

In Pursuit of a Balanced Life

“Balance, peace, and joy are the fruit of a successful life. It starts with recognizing your talents and finding ways to serve others by using them.” -Thomas Kinkade In this fast-paced world, it’s easy to learn the skills of extreme multi-tasking, sleep deprivation, delaying joy, and others that defeat efforts for our health and well-being.  …

Study Abroad and Career Paths

“Studying abroad allows you to come back and look at your own place and understand its strengths and weaknesses and escape from the idea, the deadly idea, that the way you are used to having things happen is the only way that they might work.” –Bill McKibben The added perspective that a study abroad experience …

Doing Good, Doing Well: Now for Something Different

Time for a well deserved break!  Rest the mind, rejuvenate the spirit, and, well, maybe wonder a bit about the year to come and what you may want to create… Need some inspiration?  Here are movies with stories about life purpose and direction. So, take a break from the books and enjoy some entertainment that …

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