Senior Series 2024 | Find Your People

Hey Seniors, the countdown to graduation has started, and the reality of post-graduation life is becoming more real every day.  To help you get ready for this transition, the Career Center will be in your inbox every week for the next seven weeks with useful tips & tricks to ensure your plans for life after …

Senior Series: Job Search Strategies

Last week, we reviewed resources from the Career Center to help you adjust to these ever-changing times. This week, we will share tangible job search strategies that can help you find opportunities post-graduation. Remember to set aside time later today or later this week to re-visit the information and action steps outlined in this newsletter – it’s pretty densely …

Senior Series: Adapting your job search during COVID-19

Presenting: A Virtual Senior Series These are uncertain times in our world. Like many of us, you are probably adjusting to this new normal of how you are working, learning, and connecting with your communities. And as seniors, you may be wondering or feeling anxious about how COVID-19 could impact your job search and post-graduation …

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