Why Your Major and GPA Shouldn’t Haunt You

Some students may feel that their major and GPA brand them for life. Such fears can be only exacerbated by the recent recession and an uncertain job market. But these two labels are not an undergraduate’s most defining characteristics and putting too much emphasis on them may cause unneeded stress. Zac Bissonnette, guest writer for …

Rebounding from Defeat: A Lesson in Perseverance

Jeremy Lin knows what it’s like to struggle in a job search.  The 23 year-old point guard in the National Basketball Association (NBA) was drafted by and then let go from 2 other teams before landing a spot on the New York Knicks roster.  Even then, as a fourth-string point guard on a team of …

World of Work: Scott Whitted ’74, Deputy Chief, District Court Litigation Division, U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Scott Whitted ’74 Deputy Chief, District Court Litigation Division, Office of the Principal Legal Advisor, Immigration and Customs Enforcement United States Government, Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement Williston, VT Major: Political Science What type of law do you practice and how did you choose that? I’ve practiced civil law for my entire …

Doing Good, Doing Well: Four Core Elements of Doing Well

Belonging, Independence, Mastery, and Generosity While to-do lists and deadlines are important to moving forward in our lives, clarifying our own intentions can move us in the direction we really want to go. The Circle of Courage, a strengths-based development philosophy, identified four crucial elements that may be useful guideposts as you navigate classes, activities, …

Internship of the Month: ECHO Lakeside Aquarium and Science Center

Intern: Kyle Pestlin Class Year: 2012 Major: Biology Employer: ECHO Lakeside Aquarium and Science Center Internship Title: Animal Care Intern Website: www.echovermont.org LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/kyle-pestlin/21/945/963 Briefly tell us about the organization you were with: ECHO is an aquarium and science center located on the Burlington Waterfront. Their goal is to provide a fun and interactive …

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