
Senior Series: Virtual Interviewing

This week, we’re covering all things virtual interviews. Though some organizations might be able to offer in-person interviews again this summer, it’s likely that many will opt for virtual interviews for initial screening, first-round interviews, and even final round interviews. While a video interview has some commonalities with more traditional in-person interviews, there are definitely some specific challenges and opportunities to take into account. 

Before we jump into this week’s newsletter, we just wanted to include a note to remind you all that we are thinking of you and hope that you are taking time to pause and practice self-care when you can. Living Well has many excellent resources, including a mindfulness SoundCloud and a bunch of virtual events. The identity centers (the Prism Center, the Mosaic Center for Students of Color, the Women’s Center, and the Interfaith Center) continue to offer support to students, as does the Office of Student & Community Relations for those living off-campus. The end of a semester and the start of a job search are both stressful times, which you might find is compounded by the ongoing public health crisis. If you need some support, please reach out. 

We also wanted to share an exciting new initiative launched by the Alumni Association. In UVM Connect, you can now join a group for students seeking remote internships to connect with alums who have the capacity to host them. Learn more in our latest blog post on networking, and join the group here. Three members of the regional alumni board have volunteered to talk with you more about interviewing – Ian Davis ’10 and G’16, Director of Finance, Vermont Department of Economic Development; Aimee Marti ’91, VP Branding and Corporate Social Responsibility at Aspenti Health; and Thomas Stirling ‘10, President of Stirling, Inc. Consider sending them a message in UVM Connect!

As we’ve shared in previous messages, we recommend setting aside some time each week to work on different aspects of the job search process. This newsletter is pretty densely-packed, so consider breaking it up into smaller pieces. And remember: We are always here for you! Schedule an appointment to speak with a career counselor via Handshake. 

Past & Future Topics 

Interview Basics

Purpose of Interviews 

While the purpose of you resume and cover letter is to get you an interview, the primary purpose of an interview is to get you the job. An interview is an opportunity for an employer to get to know the person behind the application materials. It is an opportunity to breathe life into the bullet points on your resume. In his book, You Can Do Anything: The Surprising Power of a ‘Useless’ Liberal Arts Education, author George Anders claims that interviews serve three purposes: for the employer to assess if you are capable to do the job you’ve applied for, to see if you will actually do the job you’ve applied for, and to determine compatibility.  Interviews may seem daunting in that interviewers have a lot of power in determining whether you receive an offer or not. Despite that, it is important to understand that you as the interviewee hold some power as well. An interview also affords you the opportunity to determine fit. It is your chance to meet your future employer and colleagues and to ask questions about projects and office culture.  Overall, a hiring committee would not invite you to an interview unless they were interested in you and what you could add to their organization. Remind yourself of that, take a deep breath, and get ready to share your story. 

Basic Interview Prep 

Before we continue, you did not read the last sentence of the previous paragraph incorrectly. You should be prepared to share your story with your interviewer. It is your opportunity to show the interviewers who you are and why your experience makes you the most qualified for the position. Interviews can be stress-inducing and might feel like a test with the number of questions thrown at you. The bright side is that if an interview is like a test, you know all the answers already because you lived them. Continuing with the test metaphor, your best study guides for an interview are your resume and cover letter. Familiarize yourself with each job experience on your documents and try to have a few solid stories to tell for each one. If you’re having trouble determining what would make for a good story, use the Career Competencies to frame your drafts (teamwork/collaboration, critical thinking/problem solving, oral/written communication, digital technology). 

Once you have an idea of what to include in these stories, it’s time to think about organizing your thoughts. The tool we recommend using to organize your thoughts is the S.T.A.R. Method. S.T.A.R. is an acronym for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. Each story you prepare to an interview should describe the situation you were in (location, time frame, job title, etc.), detail the task you were responsible for, explain the actions you took to accomplish that task, and conclude with the positive result of you taking those actions. Following this framework will ensure that you have well-crafted stories to share during your interview without the fear of over or under sharing. 

Types of Interviews 

Interviews will look different from one organization to the next. While one organization might conduct a few rounds of interviews, including a screening and final interview, another company might only conduct one and only one round of interviews. A screening interview is a tool used by hiring committees to narrow down their applicant pool and determine who they want to invite to a final interview. A screening interview is usually a 30 to 45 minutes conversation over the phone and may consist of a few broad questions. A final interview is usually conducted in person and can span anywhere between 30 minutes to the majority of a workday. During a final interview, you can expect to meet with several employees, answer a wide range of experiential and behavior-based questions, and could even be asked to give a presentation. Due to the wide variety regarding what an interview could look like, it is important to do your research and understand the scenario you are getting yourself into. When invited to an interview, read in detail the invitation and make sure to ask the hiring committee representative you are working with any questions you may have. 

One important thing to note is that, due to the pandemic, it is likely that most interviews at the moment will take place remotely (either through phone or video call). Luckily, many of the aspects of the interview process will remain the same regardless of the medium through which it takes place. You can find our general interview guide here: 

If you still have questions or feel unsure about participating in a fully remote, interview process, keep reading to for pro-tips on how to fully prepare. 

Virtual Interviewing

Once you have landed a phone screen or virtual interview, you may be wondering “how do I make a good and lasting impression when I’m not in-person?” Believe it or not, there are important distinctions between how to prepare for a phone or virtual interview, that are just as important as preparing for being in-person. Here are some simple tips and tricks to help you ace your upcoming phone/virtual interview:  

  • Be on time! This is an any easy one to show you’re organized and ready for the job. The recruiter/hiring manager will likely be calling you for a phone interview (vs. you calling the recruiter), so make sure that you are ready to pick up the call at the agreed upon time. If you are calling into a virtual/video interview, you don’t need to arrive early like you would an in-person interview, but you should be there no later than the confirmed start time. If the recruiter doesn’t call or arrive on the video call right at the agreed upon time, don’t worry. Recruiters tend to be busy in interviews throughout the day and may run a few minutes late. If 10-15 minutes pass without hearing anything, you might want to check in via email or call. 
  • Tech: If you have a phone interview (or an “initial screening”), make sure your phone is fully charged and that you are in a space that easily takes calls. The last thing you want is for your interview to be disrupted by not having your phone fully charged or losing service! When preparing for a virtual interview, make sure you download the correct software onto your phone, tablet or computer (if needed). Companies are using various virtual video platforms like Microsoft Teams, Skype, Zoom, etc. – some which require creating an account in advance, while others are web-based and all you do is click on a link to access the call. When in doubt, you can always practice a video call with a friend in advance or ask the recruiter/hiring manager any questions in advance. Don’t wait last minute to figure out the tech! 
  • Professional Dress: Since the recruiter cannot see you during a phone interview, according to how you dress is up to you. “On the one hand, if you do dress professionally, it’s less about impressing your potential employer and more about feeling more professional so that you perform better. But for some people, dressing casually works for them as they feel more comfortable.” This is the beauty of being at home – you can make the call. For a video interview though, it’s recommended that you dress for success (at least from the waist up!) and keep industry standards in mind. 
  • Preparing Your Space: Handshake Blog “How to Make a Good Impression in Your Virtual Job Interview” recommends thinking about your background space and ensuring you have a clean/well-organized background. If you have other individuals living with you, you may need to give them a heads up that you have a video interview, and to not be in the background (audibly/visually) whether you are on a phone or video interview. If you do anticipate some distractions, it’s okay to name it up front, like “my dog is in another room and might bark” or “I live next to the airport so planes might go overhead, my apologies in advance!” Remember recruiters are conducting interviews all the time and have likely heard it all, so it never hurts to give them a heads up. 
  • What to Say During the Interview and After: The good news is you will prepare the same way you would for an in-person interview by reviewing the company website, job description, and your resume and skills. Check out the Career Center’s Guide to Interviewing, which includes great sample interview questions and Handshake’s “Ace Your Virtual Interview With These Questions For the Recruiter.” And, don’t forget to send a thank you note within 24 hours of the interview. It is a demonstration of your interest, appreciation, and professionalism.  
  • Lastly, Take Care of Yourself! The day of the interview, do your best to practice self-care and participate in activities you normally would, such as eating a good breakfast, going for a walk or run, or talking to a friend for example, instead of cramming interview content and worrying. Remember the organization contacted you for a reason – you’ve got this! 

Additional Considerations

When you interview for a job, it’s important to consider the multiple ways employers will be assessing your skills. While traditional Q&A style interviews are common, you may also be given prompts, case studies, tests, projects, etc. in order to test your skills within a workplace context. We have gathered examples of additional interviewing methods that you might be asked to do. Please note that some of the following methods may be particular to a specific field or industry.  

Case Interviews. There is a common interview format within the field of consulting that you should be aware of called “case interviews.” These case studies ask the candidate to analyze and solve a business scenario. Check out this resource for additional advice and examples of case studies.  

Technical Interviews. If you are interviewing for a job that requires coding skills, your interviewer may conduct a “technical interview.” A technical interview is a specialized process that tests your coding skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. Check out this comprehensive guide to prepare you for your technical interview.  

Artificial Intelligence Interviews. In place of a traditional screening interview, you might be asked to submit a recorded video for your interview that will be screen by an artificial intelligence system. In the last couple of years, tech companies have developed algorithms to identify traits organizations look for in their ideal candidates. In response, several large companies have adopted this software to help screen their large candidate pools. If selected for an AI interview, you will receive an email with instructions on how to log into their interviewing software. Once there, you will be prompted to record video responses to a few questions selected by the hiring committee. When completed, you ship your responses off to be reviewed by the algorithm and hope to hear back with a follow-up request. Overall, the AI interviewing process is almost completely devoid of human interaction and this can feel discouraging during the age of COVID-19 and social distancing. Big Interview offers a guide to AI interview prep, and you can always schedule an appointment with a Career Counselor to talk strategy.

Closing Thoughts

While many employers are adjusting their hiring practices to include online/virtual interviews, it’s possible that you may be asked to interview in person – especially if the organization you’re applying for is considered essential. Check out this article that outlines guidelines for safe interviewing practices. While this is written for employers, it can offer helpful insight into what you might expect during the interview.

Building your network through online tools

Networking can be one of the most valuable uses of time in a job or internship search as it allows you to gather information that can help focus your career planning, clarify paths, and learn about opportunities. At its core, networking is about building relationships and exchanging information — and it’s okay that at some points in your career you’re gathering information more than exchanging. As students exploring careers, you should have lots of questions! And getting those questions answered will help you learn about your chosen field(s), tell your story better, and maybe even uncover some internship opportunities. While it may be intimidating to ask someone to meet (virtually or by phone at this time), you’ll be surprised to learn how many people are eager to help. Here are some tools that will help you in the process: 

UVM Connect

UVM Connect is an exclusive online community of UVM alums, students, staff, and faculty. From the platform’s directory, you can find and reach out to members who have offered to provide fellow UVM’ers career support. These folks have already raised their hands to help out and indicated on their profile how they would like to – such as discussing their industry or offering a shadowing opportunity.

Recently, UVM Connect launched a group for students interested in virtual internships to connect with alums who might have the capacity to offer an experience this summer. You can make a post in the group to introduce yourself, and be sure to browse the member list and reach out directly to any alums who work in an industry of interest and have indicated they are “Willing to Help.” Join the group here: Virtual Internships.

For tips on creating your profile, getting the most from your directory searches, and crafting your outreach message, check out the UVM Connect Module on Blackboard


With more than 500 million members, LinkedIn is the largest professional social networking platform. LinkedIn provides a dynamic page for your online professional presence, a wealth of real-world information about careers, and a method for reaching out to members. 

As you build your network on LinkedIn, connect with those you know and trust. Start with friends, family, friends of family, classmates, faculty, supervisors, and mentors. Every connection you make expands your personal LinkedIn network and opens up more possibilities for people you can reach out to on the platform.

Use your UVM community on LinkedIn for support by joining two groups on the platform – University of Vermont Career Connection and the UVM Alumni Association. As a member of these groups (or any professional group on LinkedIn), you are able to reach out to members, whether you are connected on LinkedIn or not. 

The Alumni Tool is one of the most powerful parts of the platform. It enables you to filter the 89,000+ members of the UVM community on LinkedIn by where they live and work and what they do. You can also search by keyword – title, company, skill, etc. UVM’s Alumni Tool can help you identify alums pursuing careers of interest, living where you want to move, and sharing a major or other UVM community with you. For more information on these LinkedIn features and creating a strong profile, check out the LinkedIn module on Blackboard


Handshake is much more than a job, internship, and event resource; it’s a networking tool too! Fellow students can be a wealth of information about their past experiences. From the Students tab, you can find peers from UVM or other institutions who have worked or interned at employers of interest. Handshake allows you to send them direct messages to help you learn from their experiences. You can also read reviews from past interns on employers’ profile pages or pose a question on the Q&A tab about specific peer experiences.

Handshake also enables you to connect directly with employers. From an employer’s profile, you can find contact information for recruiters and hiring staff. Filter the platforms 515K+ employers by industry and location from the employer’s tab. Explore these features and more by logging in to your Handshake account.  

Closing Thoughts

Keep in mind that individuals you are reaching out to might be struggling due to COVID-19. In your initial networking outreach, it’s important to mention the challenging times to avoid your message being inadvertently interpreted as inappropriate or poorly timed. Check out the Career Center’s guide to networking. There you can find potential networking questions and sample outreach messages, which can be customized to your needs and the current climate.

If you have questions about networking, please reach out to Career Center. We’re holding virtual appointments! You can self-schedule a meeting with a career counselor by logging in to Handshake.

Lisa Torchiano
Senior Career Counselor / Pre-Law Advisor

Strategies for making the most of a remote internship

Much has changed in the face of COVID-19, and many internships are currently transitioning to a remote format. A virtual internship can still offer many of the benefits of an in-person experience: You can build your skills, add something to your resume, explore a particular organization, and make important connections. Interning from home can also present new challenges for both you and your supervisor. Check out the tips below to prepare and make the most of your remote internship experience.

Understand expectations

Just as your supervisor would show you around an in-person office, you should set up a time to have a virtual orientation. You should talk to your supervisor about the expectations of the internship. What are your specific responsibilities? What is the timeframe for completing your tasks? What systems, equipment, or training will you need to succeed? Who are your colleagues and “go-to” people? If any of these questions are unclear, don’t be afraid to ask.

Establish a routine

Designating a relatively consistent schedule and workspace can help you maintain boundaries and boost your productivity. Your supervisor may have suggestions about when to make yourself available for project work time or meetings. Don’t forget to schedule breaks, too. At an in-person internship, you would likely take a few minutes each day to catch-up with co-workers or grab a cup of coffee, or 30 to 60 minutes for a lunch break. Plan to do the same during your remote internship, and try to get some screen-free time when you can.

Speak up!

One tricky part of working remotely is that it’s harder to poke your head into your supervisor’s office to ask questions. As early as possible, get clear on how you should ask questions. Each organization has its own culture, so this might be done over email, on a phone call, or in a messaging system like Slack. Make sure you know how to ask questions, and speak up early and often.

Check in regularly

It’s helpful to schedule a regular check-in with your supervisor so that you can check your progress. You can use this opportunity to make sure your projects are on track, ask about next steps, and learn about any updates at the organization.

Ask for feedback

Even if your supervisor doesn’t initiate a conversation on feedback, you might want to. Receiving feedback on your performance might initially feel awkward or intimidating, but it gives you opportunities to grow and to adjust course. You might ask about the quality of your work products, or inquire about ways that you could improve. Keep in mind that many organizations use internships as a “try out” opportunity to evaluate people for future roles. Supervisors tend to appreciate it when people are proactive and willing to work on their performance and skills, and it can help demonstrate your ability to grow in this organization over time.

Connect with your people

Other employees at your internship may someday be your colleagues and part of your professional network. Your internship is a great time to develop these relationships. See if you can “meet” with others for lunch or a conversation about their work. You may learn about new career options, and can show your interest and curiosity in different parts of the organization.

The toughest part about remote internships is that it can be easy to hide. Resist the urge! Be assertive, ask questions, and get connected with your new coworkers at every opportunity. This is a great time for you to show your adaptivity, curiosity, and willingness to dive in.

Do you have other questions about internships or adapting in the age of COVID-19? Take a look at the Career Center’s current resources to get in touch.

Senior Series: Drafting your resume and cover letter

Welcome back to another edition of the Senior Series.  

Last week, we reviewed the updated job search strategies that will help you find job opportunities that are viable within this changing world. Now that you have a sense of how to find opportunities, your next step is to ensure you have up to date application materials.  

The application materials required for most job applications are resumes and cover letters. We have organized several resources for you based on 3 stages of the writing process: drafting, fine-tuning, and final review. This can feel like a daunting task, but know that the Career Center can help you perfect your documents and provide the support you need.  

Take some time to peruse the resources included in this message. Have you scheduled a block of time to re-visit the information and resources later this week? Writing a resume or cover letter isn’t a quick task, but breaking it up into smaller chunks and stages will ensure that you get it done in a timely fashion.

Remember, you can still book career counseling appointments! We have plenty of availability for virtual appointments. You can self-schedule on Handshake, or send us an email at

Senior Series Topics & Dates:  


Getting Started

Your best bet to get started on a new or updated resume is to consult our Resume module in Blackboard. If you haven’t logged in before, visit for instructions on enrolling.

If you’ve already had a chance to review the module, you may want to check out these videos from Candid Career. This is an online resource packed with videos on every career-related topic you can think of. We’ve picked out a few that might be the most helpful to you in the resume writing process.

We also found a few articles that might be helpful to read over, include a step by step guide to getting starting in creating a new resume.


Once you’ve got a solid draft in place, it’s time to start working on fine-tuning your document. Maybe you have an existing resume from past applications, or you’ve got the ball rolling on a new draft. Either way, we’ve pulled together a few articles and videos to help you polish what you’ve got!

A common question we get from students is, “what should I put on my resume?” An equally important question is, “what should I leave off of my resume?” If you are looking to fine-tune your resume, here are a few resume red flags provided by professionals in fields from education to engineering.

Red flag free? Great! Now it is time to really focus on revisions and proofreading. This article provides a strategy for helping resume writers sharpen their word choice by using keywords and strong action verbs. Use this to sharpen the words on your resume so you will stand out to recruiters and digital resume screening tools. 

A Final Look

You’ve revised your resume several times. A friend, family member, or another member of your personal network has taken a look at it. You’ve proofread it again. Now what?

Consider requesting an online document review, or even a 30 minute counseling appointment. A career counselor will review your work and provide written or verbal feedback. You can talk through challenge areas, and receive tips for maximizing your presence on the page. While we are happy to meet with students at all stages of the writing process, coming to the Career Center with your nearly complete draft is a great way to finalize your document for submission. Our online document reviews have a 1-3 day turnaround, and we are now able to offer next-day appointment scheduling. To request an online document review, log in to Blackboard, click “Prepare” and then “Resume” – the final step of the module is where you can submit your document for review.

In addition to submitting your document for review by the Career Center, consider reaching out to an alum on UVM Connect to ask for input. Three members of the UVM Alumni Association regional board have offered their support in looking at your documents: Ian Davis ’10, G’16, Director of Finance, Vermont Department of Economic Development; Sarah Madey ’09, Senior Brand Manager – Global Marketing at Hasbro, Inc. in Boston, and Aimee Marti ‘91, VP Branding and Corporate Social Responsibility at Aspenti Health. Try sending one of them a message to ask for a quick chat about your resume – or use the filtering features in UVM Connect to find other alumni who have volunteered to help and work in your industry of choice.

Cover Letters

Getting Started

Just like your resume, we also recommend starting off with our Cover Letter module in Blackboard as you prepare to write a new draft. This will take you through the basic steps of getting a new cover letter written.

We also have two documents to help you think about your story and how to present it on the page. Our Cover Letter Basics reviews the purpose of a cover letter and provides some tips for success. The Cover Letter Worksheet takes you through the step by step process of reflecting on your skills and experiences and customizing your cover letter for each position you apply to.


Once you’ve got a solid cover letter draft, it’s time to start honing your document. We’ve pulled together three Candid Career videos focused on cover letters from the perspective of an employer.

Use this advice from employers to tailor your document for each position you apply to. And, like with your resume, consider reaching out to an alum on UVM Connect to ask them to take a look at your cover letter. Bring your specific questions – what kind of feedback are you looking for? Many alums are ready and waiting to help you!

A Final Look

Congratulations – you’re almost there! Before you send your cover letter out for job applications, it might be helpful to have a Peer Mentor or Career Counselor share their perspective through an online document review in Blackboard or a virtual appointment (which you can schedule via Handshake). Just like for your resume, you can submit a document for review by logging in to Blackboard, clicking “Prepare” and then “Cover Letter” – the submission field will appear in the last page of the module.

How to manage uncertain summer internship plans

A friend of mine recently shared this thought in a LinkedIn post:

The word “crisis” in Japanese is represented by two characters: 危機 (“Kiki”). The first character (危) means “dangerous” while the second (機) means “opportunity”.

I’ve been thinking about that a lot in relation to the pandemic we’re all experiencing. These circumstances are uncertain and scary, and are threatening some peoples’ lives and livelihoods. For those of us who have to pivot from our original hopes and plans, this crisis may also offer new opportunities.

Many of us are hearing from our previously-secured summer internship sites that our plans are delayed, canceled, or uncertain. Though it’s not what we’d hoped for, this could also be the chance to pivot and try something new. If your in-person summer plans are precarious, here are some steps you can take:

Pitch a remote project

Working remotely is a new and different experience for many of us, and likely for your internship site too. If it’s not possible to do your originally-planned internship, consider approaching your internship supervisor with an idea for a remote project. You might offer to coordinate social media marketing, do market research on similar organizations, create newsletter or blog content, analyze data, or generate sales leads. Instead of asking your supervisor to do all the work to convert your internship to a remote format, approaching with an idea makes it so much easier for your supervisor to say yes. If it’s not possible to do remote work at your original internship organization, consider approaching other organizations with similar project proposals.

Build your skills

Now is a great time to develop skills that can help you land a position and thrive in your future career. Think about possible dream jobs and take a look at some job descriptions to learn about the skills required for that position. If there are skills you’re missing, consider the ways that you can develop them this summer. You might take a project management course on LinkedIn Learning, try out computer animation on Khan Academy, or brush up on public speaking on Coursera (all free).

Grow your network

Talking to professionals in your field can help you understand the landscape of an industry, find potential mentors, and solicit important career advice. LinkedIn and UVM Connect are great places to start looking, and it’s easy to reach out with a quick ask. Make it easy for your contact to say yes by being specific and brief. You might send a message saying:

“Hi Mr. Rodriguez,
I hope you are doing well and staying healthy with everything currently happening in the world. I’m a current sophomore at UVM studying sociology, and I’m interested in careers related to food insecurity. I saw that you are also a UVM grad, and I was wondering if I could talk to you about your experience in the field. Would you have time to connect for a 20-minute phone call? I’m usually available Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Thank you,
Megan Trevino”

You can check out more advice about networking on the Career Center’s website.

Closing thoughts

For many people, summer 2020 won’t look as they had originally planned. That being said, remember that the Japanese word for crisis also contains the word opportunity. Think of this as an opportunity to build different skills, make new connections, and flex new muscles. This situation will pass, but in the meantime, try to make the most of it however you can.

If you want to talk through your individual situation, please reach out to the Career Center. We are still hosting appointments by phone or video call! You can self-schedule by logging in to Handshake, or shoot us an email at

Amanda Chase
Internship Coordinator & Career Counselor

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