
#socialmedia and Careers: Developing Your Social Media Presence

Here in Career Services, we’ve been talking a lot about our online presence.  Social Media has increasingly become a major force in today’s job market.  Employers are using Twitter and Facebook to post open positions. Job seekers and long time professionals are connecting in special interest and industry specific groups on LinkedIn. Interviews are being conducted on Skype and we have yet to see how emerging technologies like Google+ will factor in.

While we’re excited about the ways that we use these platforms in our office, we’re also eager to work with you on how to create and manage your own social media presences.  Even though most students are engaged with some type of social media at this point, have you considered how you might use these mediums as tools in your job search and career process?

Career Sherpa developed a 3-part series earlier this summer highlighting some of the strategies that can be most effective when developing your social media profile, including:

There are so many social media outlets in today’s world and these are just sampling of them.  Regardless of which you choose to participate in, it’s important to make social media a tool in your career toolbox.  By developing your own social media presence, you can make intentional decisions about your image and stay current in the ever-changing world of work.

~Ashley Michelle


World of Work: Trevor Mullen, '96, Product Development Manager for SKLZ

Trevor Mullen '96

Trevor Mullen, ’96

Product Development Manager for SKLZ
Carlsbad, CA

Major: History

How would you describe what you do on a typical day to someone who is unfamiliar with your field?

In short, I make functional equipment for people who play sports. What that really means on a day-to-day basis is that I work at identifying new product concepts and seeing them through from start to finish. I begin with our professional athletes and evaluating the potential financial viability of products they suggest. If a concept has a real opportunity to satisfy a need and there is a void in a marketplace, then I work with our designers to take a product from a concept to an actual package of drawings and specifications that a factory can interpret. I work directly with factories in Asia and have prototypes and actual samples made, with lots of changes through out in order to have a working model. During that process, I am also working closely with our sales and marketing teams to see which major retailers and international distributors will be taking the products, and then working on building content (videos, instructions, positioning) to add value to the product in the package.

I manage a division of a company that makes functional fitness equipment and this process is replicated across 50 or so different active products. It takes a lot of organization and familiarity within this field.

What advice do you have for students searching for jobs or internships in your field?

Realize that when you start out, your job is not going to be glamorous. You may be in a field that you love, but the actual job might not match your dreams. If you find yourself getting frustrated with the day-to-day responsibilities, be patient and think about your career over the long term.

Ask yourself if you want to work for a big company or a start up. They both have pluses and minuses with regards to your early career. Read a lot of books and articles about the companies and jobs you are looking to work at. Remember that the market is very competitive and if you don’t have direct experience, then you have to rely on your knowledge to stand out.

What three words best describe your work environment?

Busy, Demanding, Exciting.

What is your favorite part of your work? Most challenging part?

Working with professional athletes and building new product that doesn’t exist anywhere else. Keeping up with emails and small communications. The little details kill me.

How did your time at UVM, both in the classroom and out of the classroom, prepare you for your position?

The biggest thing I got out of my time at UVM that I use all day every day is managing deadlines and learning how to communicate effectively. I also learned how to collaborate in a group dynamic, while both listening and contributing. UVM’s class sizes really enabled me to practice and learn this skill.

World of Work: Catlin O'Neill '99, Deputy Director of Legislative Operations for House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi

Catlin will be the Keynote Speaker at the Washington D.C. Career Networking Night on June 6, 2011. Register online and learn more about the 30+ alumni networkers here.

Catlin O'Neill '99

Catlin O’Neill ’99

Deputy Director of Legislative Operations for Office of the House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi

Washington, D.C.

Major: Sociology; Mass Communication & Culture

How would you describe what you do on a typical day?

I would first say, I don’t have a “typical” day. I spend a great deal of time trying to stay on top of current events – political, national and international – as they unfold while simultaneously doing my job. I work in the chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives – also known as the “Floor”. Predominantly, I act as a resource for Members of Congress on legislation considered by the House, the subsequent votes and the rules/procedures of the House. Further, I serve as a liaison between the Leader’s office and the Republican Leadership, their staff, the White House legislative staff, the Democratic Caucus, the Senate Leadership staff, the Officers of the House and the Parliamentarians.

What advice do you have for students searching for jobs or internships in your field?

There are several things that I would suggest to students interested in pursuing a career in public service. People often get involved because they are inspired by a candidate or elected official or cause. It is important to develop yourself as a resource – a willingness to get the job done regardless of the task or the time. Try to identify opportunities that diversify your skill set and further the cause. Read everything in order to develop an awareness of the nuances in politics/policy. A depth of knowledge increases confidence and ability. You can increase your value by recognizing that the government is a 24/7 operation made up of people, not unlike yourself, that need questions answered or problems solved in a timely fashion – to that end, be accommodating and responsive. Lastly, it never hurts to expand your network of contacts – ultimately government is of the people, by the people and for the people.

What three words describe your work environment?

Significant. Spirited. Inspiring.

Describe your best day at work.

I had three extraordinary days at work:

  1. January 4th, 2007 – the Swearing-In of the first woman Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi.
  2. January 20th, 2009 – the Inauguration of President Barack H. Obama.
  3. March 21, 2010 – the passage of Health Care reform.

What was your childhood dream job?

As a child I wanted to be a marine biologist…then I took biology.

If you’re interested in seeing all our World of Work profiles, click here. If you are a UVM alumnus and would like to be featured, please contact us at If you are interested in contacting a featured alum, check out the Career Connection alumni database or contact us.

Expand your professional network this summer! – DC Career Networking Night 6/6/11!

Thinking about internship or career opportunities in Washington, DC? This summer, get advice from successful UVM alumni on careers and the job search in Washington, DC!

Washington, DC Career Networking Night
Monday, June 6, 6:15-9:00pm

National Association of Homebuilders
15th and M Streets N.W., Washington, DC

Connect one-on-one with alumni from a variety of career fields:

Marketing / Research
Politics & Law
Nonprofit / International
Business / Entrepreneurship
Education . . . and more!

Keynote Speaker: Catlin O’Neill ’99, Deputy Director of Legislative Operations for House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi.

Learn about the 30 additional alumni networkers here: Washington, DC Career Networking Night

$10 Registration Fee  –  Light Refreshments  –  Professional Dress

Register TODAY: or call 1-888-458-8691.

World of Work: Allie Tompkins '10, National Prison Project Intern for the ACLU Foundation

Allie Tompkins '10

Allie Tompkins ’10

National Prison Project Intern for the ACLU Foundation

Washington, DC

Major: Political Science/Global Studies

How would you describe what you do on a typical day?

As an intern, I come into the office 5 days a week for a half day. I answer letters from inmates writing the prison project for assistance, and I work with a paralegal to do research on policy and prison programs for the attorneys on staff at the National Prison Project.

What advice do you have for students searching for jobs or internships in your field?

Look for the jobs that really speak to what you are interested in. I applied to a ton of internships, but the two places I received offers from were the places I was most passionate about working at. I think this really stood out on my cover letter and during my interviews.

What motivates you to go to work every day for this organization?

Even though I’m an unpaid intern, I’m motivated to go to work every day because the ACLU puts into action what I was most passionate about learning at UVM, Constiutional Law. In our project, we represent prisoners and provide them with information. I think this is important because they are a truly underrepresented part of society and it requires a lot of viligance to make sure that their rights are being upheld in prison.

How did your time at UVM, both in and out of the classroom, prepare you for your position?

At UVM I became really interested in Constitutional Law, and the ACLU is one of the best places to gain experience in this field. During my interview the attorney I spoke with was very happy that I knew a lot about the federal courts appointment process, something that we spent a lot of time on in my Political Science senior seminar. Outside of the classroom at UVM, meeting so many critical thinkers and people who are willing to question the status quo and ask important questions has really influenced the way that I understand what I do at my internship and how I interact with the other people at my job.

What was your childhood dream job?

My childhood dream job was a Marine Biologist (wasn’t that everyone’s dream job at some point?), somewhere along the way I also wanted to be a doctor.

If you’re interested in seeing all our World of Work profiles, click here. If you are a UVM alumnus and would like to be featured, please contact us at If you are interested in contacting a featured alum, check out the Career Connection alumni database or contact us.

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