
Doing Good, Doing Well: Make Money Doing What You Love

Meaning making & making money?

Are they mutually exclusive or is it possible to do both?  Yes!

Here are the steps:

  • Define what matters to you
  • Explore opportunities
  • Learn from others
  • Take a stand, take a step – get involved!

Soul Collage

Find out what is possible:

Considering a Non-Profit Career

Learn from the experts:

Get in the conversation:

Join LinkedIn & their non-profit groups, including:

Non Profit & Philanthropic Job Board
Non Profit Network
Non Profit Professionals
UVM Career Connections: Non Profit & Social Services

Clarify your Mission:

Friday, Nov. 11, 1:30 pm: Creating a Personal Mission Statement & Action Plan,
Career Services L/L E 166.

Get Involved:

UVM is a great place to start

Do a year of service:

Non-Profit Fellowships


Internship of the Month: Travellers Worldwide

Caroline Graff

Intern: Caroline Graff
Class Year: 2013
Major: Psychology
Internship Title: Volunteer at Wildlife Park/Teacher’s assistant to Refugee children learning English
Company: Travellers Worldwide

Briefly tell us about the organization you were with:

Travellers Worldwide is an organization that sends volunteers around the world to work in a variety of different projects. During the time spent abroad volunteers are immersed in different culture where they get the chance to experience life in another country. All programs are at least six weeks long but can be extended to a full semester.

How would you describe the various projects you did in for your organization to someone who is unfamiliar with your field? I worked in two different projects. One was at a wildlife park where I was able to meet the locals as well as travelers visiting the park from around the country and even around the world! I got to experience working with various animals, mainly marsupials and birds. The second project I worked on was at as a Teacher’s Assistant in an Intensive English Center for refugee children.

What did you like best about this internship? What was most challenging?

I particularly enjoyed working with the children at the school I was with. It gave me an opportunity I had never had before. I got to learn about their culture and meet kids from all around the world who came to Australia to make a new life. I gained a great deal from the experience–it opened my eyes to how important it is to have institutions that allow for immigrants to assimilate to their new culture. The hardest part was having to come back home!

How did you gain credit for this internship?

I took the service learning class, EDSS 239, at UVM where I did various readings and wrote papers connecting them to my experience.

What impact did this internship have on your career direction?

As a psychology major, working with the children allowed me to realize I have a love for kids, and it got me thinking about doing something in the psychology field where I would be able to work with kids. Working with refugees was also particularly interesting and I would enjoy doing something like that as well.

What advice do you have for students searching for internships?

Trying an internship in something you’ve never done before or that doesn’t have to do with your major can also be a good thing where you’ll learn a lot and it may introduce you to something you’ll be interested in.

Why should students do an internship?

Internships allow you to gain a different experience than you do in the classroom. Particularly if you usually take large lecture classes, internships allow you to gain hands on experience. I found the internship work to be a relief from some of the classroom stresses of having to take exams. You get the opportunity to work on something you choose to explore more deeply and it can be an eye opening experience.

Pre-Law Series: Beyond the Law School App

Areas of Law

So you want to go to law school?

That is just the beginning!  As the legal job market has gotten tighter, new lawyers need to find their niche sooner and be able to contribute to the bottom line of the firm. Take a moment to learn a little more about the various fields of law and think about what area might interest you:

Here is a great collection of blogs in a variety of specialty areas. Keep up to date with news and trends.

Or maybe you are hoping to use that law degree for some other purpose?

Check out these articles on utilizing that law degree for a different career path:

And here’s a New York Time’s article about people with law degrees, who change their mind about the law altogether: Maybe It’s Time for Plan C

You don’t need to have it all figured out before you go to Law School. However, you will be able to make better choices regarding law school and legal internships if you have a keener sense of your ultimate goals.


World of Work: Brian Trudell ’09, University of Vermont Extension

Brian Trudell

Brian Trudell ’09
Agronomy Outreach Professional
University of Vermont Extension –
St. Albans, VT

Major: Animal Science

How would you describe what you do on a typical day?

My role as a UVM Extension agent is to reduce nutrient and sediment loading in Lake Champlain. I provide education and technical support to Vermont livestock farmers in the Lake Champlain Basin on nutrient management and tillage practices.

My primary areas are Franklin and Grand Isle counties, where the majority of farms are dairy producers. I help farmers manage soil health with soil testing and detailed nutrient management software programs. By reducing non-point nutrient and sediment losses from agricultural fields, surface water quality is improved. This makes the Lake Champlain a better place for wildlife and the many people who enjoy it during our beautiful Vermont summers.

What advice do you have for students searching for jobs or internships in your field?

Create a well-rounded body of work for yourself by leaving your comfort zone. Do internships in far-away places to experience ideas that you may not hear from you college professors. While high-end internships with established organizations may be desirable, you may learn more with a start-up operation.

How did your time at UVM, both in and out of the classroom, prepare you for your position?

While at UVM I learned how people without an agricultural background perceive our industry, especially those that are appealed by organic and/or vegetarian diets. Critical thinking is very important when discussing agriculture and food systems issues.

What motivates you to go to work every day for this organization?

I am building knowledge in a new area because crop and soil work was not a focus of my undergraduate studies. I plan to operate my own dairy business in the future. By working with dairy farms, I build my connections and reputation every day. I aspire to be a leader within the Vermont agriculture industry and see this job as an opportunity to build a solid foundation for my future.

3 Reasons Why Internships are Important for Today’s College Student

Key to Success

In today’s job market, obtaining a Bachelor’s degree can be the first step to a successful career. However, many employers look for students who have held internships or co-ops during their collegiate experience because employers understand the value they bring. Below are 3 reasons why internships are so important for today’s college student.

  1. Internships can help students identify career paths- Internships allow students to see whether or not a career fits with their passion and interest. Sometimes the internship will foster the conclusion that the chosen career path is not what they had expected. However, in many cases, it can lead to a greater understanding of the field and assist with the development of skills marketable for their chosen career path.
  2. Competition is high- In a global job market, competition can be quite steep, so obtaining a real world work experience such as an internship or coop can allow a student to become a more qualified candidate.
  3. Internships can build connections within a career field- Through interning students can build their professional network which can be invaluable in today’s job search. When starting a job search, it’s important to know that 80% of jobs are found through networking. In fact, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) 2008 Experiential Education Survey, employers reported hiring 70% of their interns.

This Thursday, October 20th Career Services will host our annual Internship Hop (I-Hop) from 1pm-4pm in Living Learning E.


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