
Savvy Seniors: Job Countdown!

Cindy Conquest

Cindy Conquest, ‘10
Bachelor of Arts in Biology (Neurobiology), Bachelor of Arts Spanish
Recruiter/ Managing Director with Readak Educational Services

Working in HR, you must see a lot of resumes every day. What helps a candidate stand out?

Sometimes with resumes, less is more. I see resumes that resemble a wordy mockup of an autobiography. Candidates should be able to fit their relevant qualifications on a single, well-structured page. My company often hires for entry-level positions, so we know our applicants will generally be young and have limited experience. I’m looking for quality of experience over quantity. The best resumes are clear and concise.   Keep in mind that relevant skills can come from a wide variety of experiences.

How do you suggest that students follow up on an application most effectively?

A short and sweet follow-up note is always good. Sometimes I am so swamped that I haven’t had a chance to review a particular application and a well-worded note from a candidate will draw my positive attention to that application. The follow-up is most effective right around a week after submittal. It is important to stay in touch with tact.

Once someone makes it to the interview stage, what can they do to seal the deal?

The age-old firm handshake test still rings true. Consistent eye contact shows self-confidence and honesty. Be well-poised and professional, yet amicable and approachable.  Your words and anecdotes should show what they can contribute to the company. Have some well-worded questions of your own that follow up on the research you’ve done. Finally, a thank you note is always well appreciated.

What are some frequent mistakes that you see applicants making?

Typos in resumes/cover letters show lack of attention to the application process. E-mails shouldn’t be written in the same colloquial language that students would use to write to their peers. A red flag in the interview process is when an applicant walks in the door with questions that can easily be answered from our website. Do your research and nicely demonstrate your knowledge.

Want to learn more?

Attend  Savvy Seniors Workshop: Job Countdown, Wed, March 13th, 4:15pm, L&L E-166 (With Special Guest Alison Keefe a Recruiter from Green Mountain Coffee Roasters!)

Attend Readak’s Information Session regarding positions as Traveling Teachers! Wed, March 13th, 6pm, L&L E-166

Finding Opportunities Abroad

Country Signs

As unemployment continues to remain high in the U.S, many Americans are looking abroad for new opportunities. Aside from the opportunities, a change in landscape will offer a new and exciting experience to grow and learn in a different culture, gain valuable skills – learning a new language – and expand your global network. But moving to a completely different country is a big and risky decision. Here are a few steps to consider:

Setting Goals: Where do you want to work? In what industry or field? What are the skills you want to gain? When do you want to go?

Finding the Opportunities: Begin researching and connecting with organizations you want to work for. Even if an organization is not hiring, it is still beneficial to build connections and gain insights about living and working in that particular country. Other options to consider are: teaching, “paid” volunteer programs (Peace Corps and UN Volunteers), teaching or research fellowships, and study abroad (graduate or undergraduate programs).

Evaluating Your Options: While landing an opportunity is important, considering other challenges that you may face will help you make a more informed decision. What are the costs (airfare, housing, etc.)? How do you apply for a work visa? How long should you stay abroad?

Like finding any other job, it all takes time. Take the necessary time to learn what kind of career you want to develop and your reasons to go abroad. In the meantime, you can learn a language, save up for your trip, and network with people who have studied or worked abroad.

~Hai Chi, Career Peer Advisor

Making a Career Transition

Career Development Cycle

When thinking about making a career change many people might question whether or not it is worth their time, energy and resources to follow through with it due to the overwhelming feeling of the process. However, when people start reflecting on why they’re ready for a change possibly due to burn out, financial instability or new interests, taking the necessary steps toward a happier career can be worth the struggle. Below are a few tips to help you work towards your new goals and obtain the career that’s right for you:

1. Realize it’s never an easy process. Changing careers can create anxiety and fear, which are normal emotions when facing change, but it’s important you use these emotions to your advantage. These emotions can help you assess why you’re thinking about this change and if they are pointing out factors you should be considering when deciding to follow through with the transition. It may be helpful to talk about your ideas with a career counselor or life coach to identify what it is you’re looking for in a job, how your transferable skills can be marketed to a new industry and how to create a plan that will be manageable for you.
2. Use your network. Consider connecting with friends, family, former colleagues, or finding people through LinkedIn to help you network. By identifying people who work within the field of interest, you will receive first-hand information about the reality of the chosen career and how you can get started with the transition. However, it’s probably a good idea to speak with more than one person within the field to give you a broader perspective.
3. Build a support team. By surrounding yourself with people who are positive and supportive of your new pursuits, you will have the additional resources you need to pull you through the skepticism you may encounter.

As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Every artist was first an amateur.”


Savvy Seniors: New Year! Let the ride begin!

Here’s a little inspiration from Story People

Story People

off on another adventure of a lifetime & hoping he won’t forget halfway through this time”

Set your compass, raise the sails, and keep on breathing!  Here are a few things to pack for the upcoming adventure called Life! After college!

Curiosity:  Be curious each day about the next step, the next conversation, the next connection to make.

Compassion: Getting a job and life you want takes time!  Be gentle with yourself in times of change, while you keep leaning into the wind.

Commitment: There are no firm deadlines & assignments to meet in life, no one checking in over your shoulder.  You are steering the ship, so keep an eye focused forward and set your own search schedule.

Humor: Laugh often.  Abandon all Eeyore tendencies when thinking “I gotta get a job….”  Keeping positive is key, so take time each day to see the humor in things –  watch a comedy re-run, take a laughter yoga class, or make a belly-laugh chain with friends.


What Employers Look for on a Resume

Helpful Tips Post-It

How long do employers look at your resume? 1 minute? 30 seconds? The answer is an average of 6 seconds. In order to maximize your potential in the allotted time, it is recommended that you personalize it to the reader. Employers read numerous resumes and if the information is not clearly connected to the job, they will skip your resume. The proper format and material is just the beginning of the process. Consider the following pointers:

  1. Error Free and Grammatically Correct Documents – A mistake in any application document risks the reader rejecting your candidacy for lack of attention to detail. Proofread your documents!
  2. Concise Writing Style – Employers prefer a writing style that utilizes action verbs and an active voice; passive writing is not recommended. Address the important points directly to keep the audience’s attention.
  3. Experience vs. Academics –Many employers look at Relevant Experience, which could permit excluding your GPA only if it is not required. However, if academics are emphasized then consider including honors, awards, GPA, etc. Technical skills are always desired for both experience and academics.
  4. Formatting – Organizational techniques such as Reverse Chronological Order, ordering by most recent to least recent, and consistency, maintaining the same format for all sections will give you an advantage. This will assist the reader to find key information and allow them to navigate your resume effortlessly. Formatting is key. An effective resume will draw the reader’s attention/interest in approximately 6 seconds.
  5. Include Hometown Address When Applying Locally– Applying near your hometown could provide an advantage due to locality.
  6. Honesty – Truthfully listing your experiences allows for easier conversation with an interviewer.

~ Randall, Career Peer Advisor

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