
Savvy Seniors: How will YOU define your final year at UVM?

Bowl of cherries

“Is life a bowl of cherries?”

There’s a lot of metaphors for what life is and how one chooses to live it. You’ve probably heard everything from the food comparisons (“life is like a box of chocolates” or a bowl of cherries) to the journey descriptions (life is a highway or a marathon).  These descriptions are more than cute sayings, they are worldviews that shape how a person approaches their days and makes decisions.  For example, if life is a marathon, then steady effort day in and day out is required and making it through means to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

It’s important that you think about your own worldview and the metaphors, values and beliefs that guide you if you want to be the captain of your own ship (another great metaphor!)  While that may seem overly lofty, you can break it down to this year: your final year at UVM. How do you envision this year for yourself? You are the only one who can decide how you want to shape this year, what you want from it, and what it means to you.  Your conception of this year will be reflected every day in the choices you make: to study or not, to go out or not, to get good rest or not, to start thinking about your life after college or not.

If you are looking for a roadmap to help guide you through this final year and get you to your next destination, may we recommend the 4 Year Plan for Career Success. Look at the Senior Year of the Plan and start to articulate your vision for this final year. The Plan gives you ideas, suggestions, and benchmarks to help you see the possibilities and identify your own goals.


We’d like to help you plan for your final year and life after college.  Join us for:

Careers + Coffee: A Senior Open House Wednesday September 10, 3-5pm at the Career Center L/L E-140.

Becoming the Author of Your Story

Hand Typing on LaptopThe UVM Career Center is pleased to welcome students back to campus, including those joining us for the first time, and want you to know that we are here to empower you towards personal successes and growth in the year ahead Continue reading “Becoming the Author of Your Story”

There’s More to College Life Than Classes. Get Involved!

Rainbow-colored arms raised with text that reads 'Get Involved'

As fall semester sets off, consider a few ways you can get involved both on-campus and in the Burlington community. You’ll be doing yourself a huge favor this year by taking advantage of the wonderful experiences that UVM and Burlington have to offer.

Whether you decide to join a campus club, apply for on-campus employment, volunteer at a local homeless shelter or hit up the Burlington Farmer’s Market on a crisp Saturday afternoon, you’ll be glad you did it. Although academics are of utmost importance at UVM, there is so much more to do while you’re here! Much of college learning occurs outside the classroom so be sure to take advantage of all the unique opportunities out there. The benefits of getting involved while in college are endless…

  • FUN! Getting involved in groups that share common interests, or attending activities put on by UVM can be fun. Simple as that.
  • NEW FRIENDS! Meet people and diversify your contacts and connections beyond the residence halls and classrooms.
  • DISCOVERY! Uncover hidden talents, strengths or passions.
  • DIRECTION! You may find a new career interest that will lead you in a fresh direction.
  • COMMUNITY! Feel more connected with both our campus community and the wider Burlington community.

Now, log-off your computer and go find something to do that excites you. A great place to start is at ActivitiesFest, Wednesday, September 3, from 10-3 pm. Hope to see you there!


Becoming the Author of Your Story

Hand typing on laptop keyboard

The UVM Career Center is pleased to welcome students back to campus, including those joining us for the first time, and want you to know that we are here to empower you towards personal successes and growth in the year ahead.

Throughout the year, the Career Center has many resources available to support your career development including a robust website, an off-campus job and internship database exclusively for UVM students and alums, workshops, large events, drop-in hours and scheduled appointments.

One resource you are strongly encouraged to begin using early and re-visit often is the 4 Year Plan for Career Success. The 4 Year Plan was designed with you in mind- a road map to guide you through successful career development during your UVM journey. Simply identify the plan affiliated with your current class year and begin personalizing your own goals and strategies.

In addition to these options, we hope you will find this blog informative, educational, relevant and fun. We strive to cover a wide variety of topics with a rotating cast of authors bringing their unique takes on important career conversations.

Ultimately, you should know that there is an entire campus community here to cheer you on as you blaze your path here at UVM. Take courses that excite you, join organizations that align with your values and create networks of people who motivate and challenge you. Here’s to a wonderful year!

~Ashley Michelle

Five Steps to Take to Find Your Fall Internship

Calendar Pages

Though it’s only July, it’s about that time to start looking for your fall internship. There are many great reasons to pursue an internship, and here are five steps to take to secure an opportunity:

1) Identify what you’re looking for

Is there a certain industry that you would like to test out? Skills you might want to learn? Try to take inventory of what you want so that you can narrow down your search later on. One item that might be easy to narrow down is location: If you plan to take classes at UVM in the fall, you will likely be looking for opportunities within driving distance of Burlington.

2) Start doing your research

Do some searches on Catamount Job Link for internship opportunities near Burlington. Check out Vermont Business for Social Responsibility (VBSR)’s website for a list of companies and organizations offering paid internships. If you have a LinkedIn profile (and you should!) you can also take a look at LinkedIn’s “Find Alumni” tool to see where UVM alumni work in the area.

3) Make your list of targets

Gather the relevant information that you will need for your internship applications: The name of the company, the internship title, the application materials that they require, and due dates. A great way to keep track of your internship applications is to use a simple spreadsheet, like the one below:

Internship Tracking Sheet

4) Assemble your materials

Most internships will require a resume and cover letter. Try to create one based on the samples on our website, and stop by during drop ins to have a career counselor give you feedback on your drafts.

5) Submit your documents and follow up

Persistence can be rewarded. If you haven’t anything from an employer after a week or two, try to politely reach out to confirm that your application was received. Contacting the company demonstrates your continued interest, and can make you stand out of the applicant pool.

Depending on how competitive the field is, students typically apply to anywhere between four and ten internships. Still have questions? Come by our Drop In Hours, or contact the Career Center to set up a one-on-one appointment with a counselor.


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