
Focus on the Fundamentals


Birds eye view of desk
Photograph 047 by Lauren Mancke,

Does the Job Search have you stressed? Take note from UVM alum Josh Brown and focus on the fundamentals throughout the process.

Josh writes: It’s all about the fundamentals. While it is a cliché, paying attention to the basics can make a world of difference. I want to share some thoughts about key fundamentals during a job search.

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Surviving a Lousy Internship

Frustrated student looking at a computer

Internships are often talked about as a make-or-break experience for your career: They can propel you into a future job, give you important skills, and grow your resume. So what happens when your internship is less-than-stellar? You don’t like the work, the company isn’t what you expected, or your supervisor isn’t helpful. Was the whole thing a waste of time?

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Welcome Back! Jumpstart Your Goals and Plan to Succeed!

“Today I close the door to my past, open the door to my future, take a deep breath and step through to a new life.” –Unknown Author

Mountain to climb

As we enter into a new year, you might be asking yourself how you can make the most of it. How can you change your life to help you become your best self? Two things to ask yourself are: what do you want your life to look like and how will you create that life? Yes, this may sound too ambitious, but there are steps you can take to help jumpstart the process and make it attainable.

Continue reading “Welcome Back! Jumpstart Your Goals and Plan to Succeed!”

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