
Your job doesn’t have to suck.

Staff of Outright Vermont

Really, it doesn’t.

Here are some tips about how to assess your current job and, if needed, how to manifest your next bold move. Disclaimer: This is not about making you more money, this is about making your job matter to you. Continue reading “Your job doesn’t have to suck.”

Research, Science and a Summer in Germany

Picture from Germany

This summer, mechanical engineering sophomore Duncan Hacker, of Sudbury, MA, will venture to Pirmasens, Germany. As a participant of DAAD-RISE (an exchange program), he will conduct research on surface coating for ski jumping skis. 

DAAD-RISE hosts science and engineering undergraduate interns at top universities in Germany to work with research groups and gain practical experience. Annually the award funds around 300 participants. In preparation for this summer, Duncan answered a few questions about his career goals and experiences: Continue reading “Research, Science and a Summer in Germany”

Salary and Benefits: Let’s Get Ready to Negotiate!

salary scrabble tiles

When you are faced with having to negotiate job benefits, you might feel that the task is too much to handle. Will I come across as greedy if I ask for a lot? Will they think it’s a red flag if I ask for too little? There is a fair amount of fear surrounding negotiating but you need to remember that if you reached the negotiation stage, they are invested in you. Continue reading “Salary and Benefits: Let’s Get Ready to Negotiate!”

What Employers Want: Selling Your Soft Skills

Galen Healthcare Solutions LogoEven though I don’t know who you are, I am going to be honest with you. When I graduated from UVM (Go Cats Go!) I had no idea what an employer really wanted, let alone what I wanted to do. When I started writing my resume and prepping for interviews, I struggled to think of what my “skills” were and how I could talk about them during an interview. I was a business finance major, so I knew the basics like how to use Microsoft Excel and read a balance sheet, but whoop-de do; so did all of my classmates. I bloated my resume and cover letters with buzz words like “leadership,” “teamwork,” and “dynamic,” but that was primarily me crossing my fingers that the computer algorithms would flag my resume. Continue reading “What Employers Want: Selling Your Soft Skills”

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